Astrological Chart Analysis

This session will be conducted online over webcam where I will share my screen whilst I analyse an astrological chart on I will utilise a variety of analysis techniques that will allow me to ascertain personality profiles, such as drives, needs, career choices, internal conflicts, and much more. I can also look at up coming events in time and specific dates and suggest likely scenerios and learning curves that will present themselves. I will also be able to analyse two peoples charts in a synergy chart anaylsis to assess how two individuals will interact. This is ideal for both romantic, friend, family and work relationships.


In order for the analysis to be as accurate as possible the date of birth, time of birth and location of birth will be required for each individual. This information will be collected on purchase with a small form.

Profile picture

Astrological Chart Analysis

1:1 Session ā€” 1 hour, 30 minutes
