IFRS 9 Masterclass - Understanding Financial Instruments

Do you struggle with understanding IFRS 9?

This course is for you!

Financial Instruments can be complex and appropriately accounting for them under the requirements of IFRS 9 can be a daunting exercise.

I created this course in simple bites to make it easy for anyone to understand the basics of financial instruments. I used several easy-to-understand and practical examples. You will also gain access to free IFRS 9 documents and thought leadership files, excel file computation, and related video documentaries.

You will be learning IFRS from the perspective of a Big 4 Consultant that has worked in 3 of the Big 4 Audit firms and has experienced hands-on, how financial instruments are accounted for in various industries.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to build up your IFRS 9 knowledge. Be prepared before that career opportunity comes your way.

Order the IFRS 9 Masterclass today and start learning Financial Instruments like you've never had it before!

Course Overview

    • My Ask and Priority
    • What led to IFRS 9?
    • About IFRS 9 and other applicable standards
    • Test your understanding
    • Overview of IFRS 9
    • Changes from IAS 39 to IFRS 9
    • Test your understanding
    • Definition and types of Financial Instruments
    • Definition and practical scenario on Financial Assets
    • Definition and practical scenario on Financial Liabilities
    • Definition and practical scenario on Equity
    • Test your understanding
    • Nature of Financial assets, Financial liabilities, and Equity
    • Practical scenarios on the nature of Financial instruments
    • Test your understanding
    • Defining Derivatives
    • Types of Derivatives
    • Practical scenarios on Derivatives
    • Test your understanding
    • Reasons for distinguishing Equity from Liabilities
    • Key features of Equity and Liabilities
    • Practical scenarios on distinguishing Equity from Liabilities
    • Test your understanding
    • Key features and practical scenario on Amortized cost
    • Key features and practical scenario on Fair value through profit or loss
    • Key features and practical scenario on Fair value through other comprehensive income
    • Test your understanding
    • See free IFRS resources in "Bonus section" caption
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IFRS 9 Masterclass - Understanding Financial Instruments

