⭐️ By signing up for the 6-week or 3-week program, you’ll fast-track your skating progress with focused, step-by-step instruction tailored to your level. Each program includes live group classes where you’ll learn new techniques, refine your skills, and overcome challenges with expert guidance.
⭐️ The 6-week program offers six in-depth lessons, while the 3-week program provides a more condensed, intensive experience. Both include personalised feedback to help you perfect your form, boost your confidence, and see real results.
⭐️ At the end of each program, you’ll receive a certificate of completion to celebrate your achievements!
⭐️ Whether you’re mastering spins, tackling tricky moves, or strengthening your overall technique, by signing up, you’ll gain access to a structured, supportive environment designed to help you reach your skating goals and transform your journey on wheels.
The ultimate 6-week program designed to take you from ZERO experience to confidently spinning like a PRO, mastering essential techniques every step of the way!
The exclusive 42-day intensive designed to help you perfect your off-skates spinner, mastering key techniques with personalized guidance to take your skills to new heights!
Conquer your one-footed turns in this unique 3-part series, where we explore the art of turning and dive into the technical aspects of becoming an advanced skater!
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Kruger Park Vlog (Ep.1)
Join us for a once in a lifetime trip through the wild bush of the Kruger!Kruger Park Vlog (Ep.1)
Join us for a once in a lifetime trip through the wild bush of the Kruger!My birthday in Johannesburg (Ep.2)
Tom woke me up at 3AM, took me to an undisclosed location and took me on the trip of a lifetime! Best birthday ever!My birthday in Johannesburg (Ep.2)
Tom woke me up at 3AM, took me to an undisclosed location and took me on the trip of a lifetime! Best birthday ever!