Uncovering the ROI of PR

Are you a startup founder curious whether PR is worth it? Join us for "Uncovering the ROI of PR" where we will debunk common media relations misconceptions and reveal the true value of media relations.

In this engaging and complimentary session, you'll uncover:

  • The long-term and short-term benefits of PR

  • The power of media relations in attracting investors, partners, and customers

  • The role of PR in carving out your brand's position as a thought leader

  • The unique value of earned media and how it stands apart from paid advertising

  • Real-world insights into media relations and setting realistic expectations

This webinar isn’t a step-by-step tutorial, it's a gateway to understanding the fundamentals of public relations and its potential to significantly influence your startup's growth trajectory. You’ll also get a chance to ask our experts your burning PR questions! Sign up for free today!

Not sure if you can make it? Register anyway, and we'll send you a recording of the session.

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Uncovering the ROI of PR

Group Session — sold out - 45 minutes