Relationship Coaching Certification

Welcome to Harmony Pathway: Relationship Coaching Certification!

"Transform Lives. Start with Yours!"

Welcome to Harmony Pathway, your journey to becoming a certified relationship coach begins here. Discover the art and science of fostering meaningful connections and guiding individuals and couples towards fulfilling relationships.

Why Choose Harmony Pathway?


The Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course is working on becoming accredited to ensuring that our curriculum meets the highest standards for coaching education. This accreditation will signify our commitment to excellence and adherence to the core competencies and ethical guidelines for coaching professionals.

Expert Instructors:

Coach Michelamonè is an acclaimed speaker, author, and certified relationship coach renowned for her transformative approach to personal growth and relationship dynamics. With over 26 years of experience, she has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals and couples globally.

Drawing from her own life experiences, extensive education, and spiritual insights, Coach Michelamonè empowers her clients to break free from societal labels and rediscover their true selves. Her innovative B.R.A.N.D.S.™ approach focuses on building confidence, achieving goals, and navigating emotions, leading to lasting transformation.

As the founder of TCW Academy, Inc., Coach Michelamonè is dedicated to providing cutting-edge education and support to aspiring relationship coaches. With a master's degree in adult education training and ongoing studies in marriage and family therapy, she offers a wealth of knowledge and expertise to guide individuals toward becoming impactful thought leaders in the field.

Join Coach Michelamonè on a journey of self-discovery, empathy, and growth, and unlock the full potential of human connection through TCW Academy.

Success Stories:

Michelamonè was very professional, inspiring, kind, courteous, patient and provided many tools that was very helpful. I am very Grateful to have had this experience under the coaching of Ms. Michelamonè Henderson. - Betty L.


The class was full of energy, fun and the atmosphere she set for the students, kept us wanting to learn and look forward to the next class. She's an awesome instructor. ` -Peter L.


This course was extremely beneficial to my growth as a business woman and entrepreneur. When you take this course, you will be highly motivated to complete the task set before you. I was able to follow the steps taught by Michelamone to expand my business. Because of the course, I was also able to partner with my mentor in building my online school. - Lashanda H.


She shared so much useful information. I was able to make some great adjustments to my existing business. As a class, we did a lot of hands on activities including an elevator pitch, which I think most people don't effective use. The tips she provided helped to to communicate more effectively to my clients and work on strategies to optimize customer service. - Ashley

Course Overview

  • Curriculum Highlights: For the Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course, the curriculum is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and techniques necessary to become effective and compassionate relationship coaches. Here's a snapshot of key modules and their learning outcomes:

    Module 1: Foundations of Relationship Coaching

    • Learning Outcomes:

      • Understand the principles and ethics of professional coaching.

      • Grasp the fundamentals of relationship dynamics and theories.

      • Differentiate relationship coaching from counseling and therapy.

    Module 2: Communication Mastery

    • Learning Outcomes:

      • Master active listening and empathetic response techniques.

      • Learn to facilitate open and honest communication between partners.

      • Address and resolve common communication barriers in relationships.

    Module 3: Emotional Intelligence in Coaching

    • Learning Outcomes:

      • Develop strategies for enhancing emotional awareness in clients.

      • Apply emotional intelligence theories to relationship coaching scenarios.

      • Guide clients in managing emotions for positive relationship outcomes.

    Module 4: Conflict Resolution Strategies

    • Learning Outcomes:

      • Equip clients with tools to effectively manage and resolve conflicts.

      • Explore different conflict styles and their impact on relationships.

      • Practice mediating discussions to reach mutually satisfactory resolutions.

    Module 5: Building and Sustaining Intimacy

    • Learning Outcomes:

      • Understand the components of intimacy and their significance in relationships.

      • Coach clients on deepening emotional and physical intimacy.

      • Address challenges and barriers to intimacy in long-term relationships.

    Module 6: Navigating Relationship Transitions

    • Learning Outcomes:

      • Prepare clients to effectively navigate significant relationship changes (e.g., marriage, parenthood, retirement).

      • Offer strategies for maintaining relationship health during transitions.

      • Support clients in redefining relationships in times of change.

    Module 7: Coaching Couples and Families

    • Learning Outcomes:

      • Adapt coaching techniques for couple and family settings.

      • Understand the dynamics of couple and family relationships.

      • Facilitate sessions that encourage participation and openness from all members.

    Module 8: Setting Up Your Coaching Practice

    • Learning Outcomes:

      • Learn the business aspects of setting up a coaching practice.

      • Develop marketing strategies to attract and retain clients.

      • Understand the legal and ethical considerations of running a coaching business.

    Module 9: Continuous Professional Development

    • Learning Outcomes:

      • Identify avenues for ongoing learning and specialization in relationship coaching.

      • Engage in self-reflection and supervision to enhance coaching practice.

      • Connect with professional networks for support and collaboration.

    Upon completion of these modules, participants will have developed a comprehensive toolkit to support individuals and couples in creating healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Graduates will be equipped to launch their own coaching practices, empowered by a deep understanding of relationship dynamics and effective coaching strategies.

    Course Format:

    The Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course is designed to offer a blended learning experience that combines the flexibility of online learning with the engagement of live instruction.

    • Live Zoom Sessions: Engage in interactive live sessions led by expert instructors. These sessions are scheduled to facilitate deep dives into course content, real-time Q&A, and live coaching demonstrations. Participants will have the opportunity to practice coaching techniques in breakout rooms, receiving immediate feedback from peers and instructors.

    • Thinkific Materials: Access a wealth of pre-recorded lectures, readings, and exercises on our Thinkific platform. These resources are structured to complement live sessions, allowing participants to learn at their own pace. Interactive assignments and quizzes are included to reinforce learning and self-assessment.

    • Discussion Boards: Utilize Thinkific’s discussion boards to connect with instructors and peers between live sessions. This platform encourages ongoing dialogue, support, and sharing of insights.

    Course Length:

    The course spans 12 weeks, with a structured yet flexible learning path designed to fit around your professional and personal commitments.

    • Live Sessions: Scheduled for 2 hours once a week, typically on evenings or weekends to accommodate various time zones and work schedules.

    • Self-paced Learning: Approximately 3-4 hours per week of self-paced learning through Thinkific, including watching videos, completing assignments, and participating in discussion forums.

    Course Schedule:

    • Weeks 1-3: Foundations of Relationship Coaching and Communication Mastery

    • Weeks 4-6: Emotional Intelligence in Coaching and Conflict Resolution Strategies

    • Weeks 7-9: Building and Sustaining Intimacy and Navigating Relationship Transitions

    • Weeks 10-12: Coaching Couples and Families and Setting Up Your Coaching Practice

    Continuous Professional Development: In the final week, participants will also learn about opportunities for ongoing learning and development beyond the course, including advanced certifications and professional networking.

    Live Session Times: To be determined based on participant demographics to ensure the widest possible accessibility. A poll will be sent to registered participants to select the most convenient times.

    Additional Information:

    • Course Start Date: The next cohort begins on [specific date], with enrollment opening [specific date].

    • Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, including passing all assessments and a final coaching demonstration, participants will receive a Relationship Coaching Certification from Harmony Pathway.

    • Post-Course Support: Graduates gain access to an alumni network for continued professional development, mentorship opportunities, and exclusive resources.

    This course is designed to not only impart knowledge and skills but also to foster a supportive community of aspiring relationship coaches. With a blend of expert instruction, practical experience, and community engagement, participants are poised for success both during the course and in their future coaching endeavors.

Certification Process and Credentials

The Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course is structured to equip participants with the expertise, practical experience, and professional credibility needed to excel as relationship coaches. Here's a detailed explanation of the certification process and the credentials you'll earn upon successful completion:

Certification Process:

  1. Completion of All Modules: Participants must complete all modules, including both the live Zoom sessions and self-paced Thinkific materials. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the course content.

  2. Assignments and Quizzes: Throughout the course, participants will complete various assignments and quizzes designed to reinforce learning and apply concepts in practice. Successful completion of these assignments is required for certification.

  3. Coaching Practice Sessions: Participants are required to engage in supervised coaching practice sessions. These sessions provide hands-on experience and are evaluated by instructors to ensure competency in core coaching skills.

  4. Final Coaching Demonstration: At the course's conclusion, participants will conduct a live coaching session with a volunteer client. This session serves as a capstone project, demonstrating the participant's ability to integrate and apply their learning in a real-world coaching scenario.

  5. Reflection Paper: Participants will submit a reflection paper, detailing their learning journey, how they've applied the course concepts, and their plans for their coaching practice. This reflective exercise encourages introspection and goal setting for continuous improvement.

  6. Peer and Instructor Feedback: Throughout the course, participants will receive constructive feedback from both peers and instructors. Incorporating this feedback into their practice is crucial for meeting certification standards.

Credentials Earned:

Upon meeting all the above requirements, participants will earn the following credentials:

  • Harmony Pathway Certified Relationship Coach: This credential signifies that the holder has completed rigorous training in relationship coaching, mastering the necessary skills to support clients in achieving healthier, more fulfilling relationships. The certification is recognized by leading coaching associations and signals a high standard of professional competency and ethical practice.

  • Certificate of Completion: Participants will receive a digital certificate of completion, which can be added to their professional portfolio, displayed in their coaching practice, and shared on social media and professional networks.

  • Continuing Education Credits (CECs): Where applicable, participants will earn CECs that can be used towards maintaining or obtaining further professional coaching certifications.

  • Access to Alumni Network: Graduates become part of the Harmony Pathway alumni network, providing ongoing access to resources, continued learning opportunities, and a community of fellow coaching professionals for networking and support.

The Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course is designed not just to teach but to transform passionate individuals into certified professionals ready to make a significant impact in the field of relationship coaching. With this certification, you'll be well-equipped to start or enhance your coaching practice, grounded in confidence, credibility, and a commitment to fostering healthy relationships.

Who Should Enroll?

The Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course is designed for a diverse group of individuals who share a common goal: to foster meaningful connections and support others in their journey to healthier relationships. Ideal candidates for enrollment include:

  • Aspiring Relationship Coaches: Individuals looking to enter the field of relationship coaching with a solid foundation and certification to kickstart their practice.

  • Current Life Coaches and Counselors: Professionals already practicing in related fields such as life coaching, counseling, or therapy who wish to specialize or expand their expertise into relationship coaching.

  • Mental Health Professionals: Psychologists, therapists, and other mental health practitioners seeking to incorporate coaching techniques into their work with individuals and couples.

  • Human Resources Professionals: HR personnel aiming to enhance their understanding of interpersonal dynamics and improve workplace relationships and employee satisfaction.

  • Educators and Trainers: Those involved in adult education, training, or personal development who want to add relationship coaching to their skill set.

  • Mediators and Conflict Resolution Specialists: Professionals working in mediation or conflict resolution interested in deepening their understanding of relationship dynamics to better assist their clients.

  • Marriage and Family Therapists: Practitioners looking to complement their therapeutic approaches with coaching techniques focused on empowering clients to build and sustain healthy relationships.

  • Spiritual and Community Leaders: Individuals in leadership roles within spiritual or community organizations who often provide guidance on personal and relational issues.

  • Individuals Passionate About Personal Development: Those who have a personal interest in improving their own relationships and wish to share their knowledge and skills with others, potentially turning this passion into a coaching career.

  • Career Changers: Individuals seeking a fulfilling and impactful career that allows them to make a difference in the lives of others by supporting relationship health and wellness.

This course is tailored to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to confidently navigate the complexities of human relationships. Whether your goal is to start a new career in relationship coaching or enhance your current professional practice, the Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course offers the tools and community support to help you succeed.

Your Learning Journey with Harmony Pathway

Embarking on the Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course sets you on a transformative path. This journey is designed not only to impart knowledge but to cultivate skills, confidence, and a deep understanding of relationship dynamics. Here's what to expect:

Foundational Theories

  • Begin with the Basics: Your journey starts with the foundational theories of relationship psychology, communication, and emotional intelligence. These building blocks are crucial for understanding the complexities of human connections.

  • Ethical Coaching Practices: Learn the core principles of ethical coaching, including confidentiality, professionalism, and the coach-client relationship, ensuring your practice is built on trust and integrity.

Practical Coaching Techniques

  • Active Listening and Empathy: Develop key skills in active listening and empathy, enabling you to create a supportive environment where clients feel heard and understood.

  • Effective Questioning: Master the art of asking powerful questions that inspire reflection, insight, and action, helping clients to uncover their own solutions.

  • Conflict Resolution: Gain tools and strategies for guiding clients through conflict resolution, enhancing their ability to navigate disagreements constructively.

  • Building Intimacy: Explore techniques to help clients deepen emotional and physical intimacy, fostering stronger and more fulfilling connections.

Hands-On Practice

  • Coaching Simulations: Engage in coaching simulations and role-play exercises, providing you with the opportunity to practice your skills in real-life scenarios, receive feedback, and refine your approach.

  • Supervised Sessions: Conduct supervised coaching sessions with real clients, allowing you to apply your learning in a supportive, feedback-rich environment.

Business Development Skills

  • Launching Your Practice: Dive into the practical aspects of launching and growing your coaching business, from branding and marketing to setting your services' pricing and structure.

  • Digital Presence: Learn how to effectively use digital tools and social media to attract and retain clients, including creating a compelling online presence and leveraging content marketing.

  • Networking and Collaboration: Discover the importance of professional networking and collaboration, and how to build relationships with other professionals to support your business growth.

Continuous Learning and Support

  • Ongoing Development: The journey doesn’t end with certification. We provide resources for continuous learning, including advanced modules, workshops, and access to a community of peers for ongoing support.

Your learning journey with Harmony Pathway is comprehensive, immersive, and deeply enriching. It is designed to equip you with not just the knowledge, but the practical experience and confidence to make a meaningful impact as a relationship coach. You’ll emerge from this course ready to empower individuals and couples to build healthier, happier relationships, while also laying the foundation for a thriving coaching practice. Welcome to your new beginning.

Interactive Features of the Harmony Pathway Course

The Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course is designed to be dynamic and interactive, providing participants with engaging learning experiences that go beyond traditional lecture formats. Here’s how you’ll benefit from our interactive features:

Live Coaching Demos

  • Real-Time Learning: Participate in live coaching demonstrations led by experienced instructors. These sessions allow you to see coaching techniques and approaches in action, offering invaluable insights into the coaching process.

  • Interactive Participation: You'll have opportunities to volunteer for live demos, either as a coach or a client, providing a safe space to practice and refine your skills under the guidance of expert coaches.

  • Q&A Sessions: Each live demo is followed by a Q&A session, where you can ask questions, dive deeper into the techniques used, and discuss the nuances of each coaching scenario.

Community Engagement

  • Discussion Forums: Our course platform features dedicated discussion forums for each module, where you can engage with peers and instructors. Share your insights, ask questions, and explore topics more deeply in a supportive, collaborative environment.

  • Peer Feedback Groups: You’ll be part of a peer feedback group, a small community within the course where members support each other through constructive feedback, shared learning experiences, and accountability partnerships.

  • Live Group Discussions: Regularly scheduled live group discussions encourage real-time interaction with your cohort. Facilitated by instructors, these discussions are a chance to reflect on your learning, share challenges and successes, and gain diverse perspectives.

  • Networking Opportunities: The course offers structured networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with fellow aspiring coaches from various backgrounds. These connections can lead to lifelong professional relationships and collaboration opportunities.

How These Features Enhance Your Learning Journey

  • Applied Learning: By participating in live coaching demos, you apply what you’ve learned in a practical setting, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

  • Community Wisdom: Engaging with the course community allows you to benefit from the collective wisdom of peers and instructors, enriching your learning experience and offering different viewpoints and approaches to coaching.

  • Feedback and Growth: Regular feedback from both peers and instructors is crucial for your growth as a coach. It helps identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, fostering a mindset of continuous learning and development.

The interactive features of the Harmony Pathway course are designed to ensure that your learning experience is engaging, practical, and deeply enriching, setting you up for success as a relationship coach. Through live coaching demos and active community engagement, you’ll gain the confidence, skills, and network to launch your coaching career and make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Pricing & Enrollment

Course Fee and Payment Options

  • We’re committed to making the Harmony Pathway Relationship Coaching Certification Course accessible while ensuring you receive unparalleled value and support on your journey to becoming a certified relationship coach. Here are the details of our course fee and flexible payment options:

    One-Time Payment: $697

    • Best Value: Opt for a one-time payment of $697 and enjoy the best value offer. This payment option is designed to make your enrollment process straightforward and economical, allowing you to focus entirely on your learning journey.

    Installment Plan: $720 (3 Payments)

    • Flexibility: If you prefer to spread out the cost, we offer an installment plan totaling $720. This option consists of 3 equal payments, making the course financially manageable without paying all at once.

      • Each payment will be $240, billed monthly.

    Early Bird Discount

    • Save More: Enroll early and take advantage of our Early Bird Discount. Save an additional $50 off the one-time payment, reducing your investment to $647. Be sure to check the course registration page for eligibility and deadline details.

    What’s Included

    • All course fees include full access to:

      • Live Zoom sessions with expert instructors.

      • Comprehensive course materials available on Thinkific.

      • Interactive assignments and practical coaching exercises.

      • Access to discussion forums for peer and instructor engagement.

      • Certification upon successful completion of the course and final assessment.

    How to Enroll

    1. Visit the Registration Tab Below: Go to our course registration page by clicking the link below.

    2. Select Your Payment Option: Choose between the one-time payment or the installment plan. If enrolling during the Early Bird period, your discount will be automatically applied.

    3. Complete Your Enrollment: Fill in your details, proceed with the payment, and get ready to start your journey with us.

    Need Assistance?

    If you have questions about the course fee, payment options, or need assistance with the enrollment process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to ensure you have all the information and support you need to make this important decision.

    We’re excited to welcome you to the Harmony Pathway community and support you on your path to becoming a certified relationship coach. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

Course Overview

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Relationship Coaching Certification


$240/month x 3

or $697 once