Reset Your Life - 90 Day Group Coaching Program

Whether you've lost yourself in your job, relationship, your role as a parent or simply feel lost in life in general, you are not alone. It doesn't mean your life is doomed and that you will never find yourself again. It simply means you are going through an incubation period and transformation. The key is not to get stuck in your current lost state and to tap into your creative power to create a life you love.

My Reset Your Life 90-Day Group Program can help you! Let's talk so I can show you how!

Have you ever needed a RESET in life?

I know I have. It was during the time where I felt like NOTHING was going my way. A place where I couldn't "hope-fully" SEE my future. Where I just seemed to be SAD about everything! Even strangers noticed something was wrong.

I walked around with an attitude. I UGHed at posts, people, my present and my past. Nothing seemed good and if I could have just got in my car and driven to a place called beautiful (Listen to Indie Arie's song Beautiful), I would have. - Gassed up car and drive until I couldn't anymore!

But reality would always set in and let me know that I couldn't do that. Well, not unless I wanted my family to think I had been abducted or worse, un-alived. So I had to come up with an alternative. I needed to RESET my life and I needed to do it like YESTERDAY! Quick, Fast and In A Hurry!

I mean I was desperate, despondent, and since I am being honest, I was even a little, Ok, A LOT angry! And I knew that if I didn't want to continue in the spiral going downward, I had to do something and I had to do it NOW! and FAST!

So I got my self together. I grabbed a pen and piece of paper, went to a place where I found to be peaceful and started a journey to RESET My Life!

Does ANY of this sound familiar to you? If so, would you like to know WHAT and HOW I did it? Because EVERYTHING I did, I put in my 90 Day Program called "Reset Your Life!"

What will you get from this program?

√ You WILL transform your life in 90 days from the woes to wins!
√ Weekly accountability and support
√ Clarity in your life - get rid of the confusion
√ Detox your life of toxic behaviors and people once and for all
√ Design and create the life you REALLY want to be living
√ Weekly transformational activities and exercises

If you want to be a part of this program, Apply by making an appointment TODAY by filling out this form.

BTW, I am only taking 25 participants because I want to be able to be completely hands-on. Fill out the form to apply for a 15-minute call to see if you qualify!

Classes will begin Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 7pm EST.

Only Serious Inquiries will be considered!

Coach Michelamonè

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Reset Your Life - 90 Day Group Coaching Program

Group Program

$499/month x 3

or $1,497 once