First Wives Club

Welcome to the First Wives Club!!!

This isn't a series for being the first wife but rather for being and becoming wives first! This simply means that when you decide that you are a wife, you are deciding to be a wife before your independence,  your career,  your friends, and your fears. It means you are a wife as unto the Lord. Being a wife as unto the Lord means you will do so despite of... in spite of what he is or is not doing. In spite of the fears you have about your sheer vulnerability. In spite of your ego and pride. It will not cause you to lay down your self-respect,  self-esteem,  self-awareness, and self-confidence. But rather, pick up your self-discovery,  self-control,  self-compassion, and self-reflection.

We will delve into laying down your gifts and talents at the alter and laying on your face for the man in your life and or the man you desire in your life. You are going to prepare your mind, your body, your soul and your spirit for him, through HIM!

It's time out for only adorning your outer-self but to include in the adornment the adornment of your spiritual fruits so that you naturally attract him THROUGH HIM! HIM being the Most High God!

The dates and times will be determined once we hit enrollment numbers. Please hit apply and you will be notified upon acceptance of your application.

I look forward to BECOMING with you all!

Warmly, Coach Michelamonè

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First Wives Club
