Defeat multiple armed close quarter threats in 2 seconds... or less!

This 380-page COMBATIVS CAMP X THE BLACK ART OF WAR program contains unequaled, extremely aggressive hand to hand (H2H), hand to weapon (H2W) and weapons skillsets in close quarters to prepare you for survival performance at the highest level.

Director Al Collins is the Founder of the COMBATIVS CAMP X THE BLACK ART OF WAR. Raised and trained by his father, a WWII combat-decorated British Commando squad leader, who was trained by Colonel William Fairbairn, the father of Combatives and SWAT. (Fairbairn trained the commandos, OSS (early CIA) agents, and other “behind enemy lines” operational agents.)

Director Collins is a Certified Close Quarter Combat Instructor with an entity who were advisors and instructors for over 30 years to various national and international elite military, counter-terrorism groups, black op units and government agencies, including the CIA.

He’s one of only three ever awarded a Black Belt in a specialized combat martial art.

He has trained with Grandmasters, Masters and Instructors in numerous Combative and Martial Arts disciplines which includes multiple years of training in Judo, Jujitsu, Kickboxing, Shaolin White Crane Kung Fu, Shotokan Karate, Combat Tai Chi and Tang Soo Do.

He is a lifelong hunter and a combat marksman with handgun, shotgun and rifle.

The Director's 50+ years of experience and meticulous research went into developing the THE BLACK ART OF WAR to provide the world's most efficient methods for an individual on how to instantly stop singular and multiple armed threats in close quarters.

Martial arts and fighting systems from various cultures up to the present day, were found to be heavily flawed, comprised of systems more artistic/acrobatic/entertainment/sports aligned and business blinded, than finishing focused, and so, such counterproductive methods were rejected.

CQC training for 21st Century military groups such as modern army/special operations combatives programs has drastically deteriorated into 1-on-1 MMA/BJJ/boxing/Krav Maga-type strategies and tactics of punching and ground/submission techniques, which are extremely hazardous against singular and multiple armed threats.

Military knife and improvised weapon combat training has become either non-existent or inefficient (e.g., disarms; pain or slashing-focused, etc.).

Severely flawed firearm approaches were likewise discarded.

Most stunning is the disregard or ignorance from all spectrums of the necessity of the secret sauce, without which even perfected physical skillsets, strategies and tactics are statistically proven to fail most in life-or-death survival circumstances.

The COMBATIVS CAMP X THE BLACK ART OF WAR’s formulation of strategies; tactics; unarmed; knife; firearms; improvised/unconventional/covert weapons and the Wolverine Factor for one-strike knockouts, injuries and lethal strikes are meant to replace all other CQC/martial art/self-defense/fighting systems in realistically dealing with close quarter singular and multiple armed threats not only for military CQC use but also for civilians threatened by violent bad actors.

WW II British Commando, The Devil’s Brigade and CAMP X Operator’s threat-response actions were handpicked for COMBATIVS CAMP X THE BLACK ART OF WAR, along with deadly secrets gleaned from other shadow operators that struck fear in the hearts and minds of nations and their militaries, such as the American Plains Comanches, Himalayan Gurkhas, Indian Thuggees, Japanese Shinobi/Ninjas, Irish Mercenaries, Old West Man-Hunters, Persian Assassins, U.S. Civil War Guerrillas, Vietnam War MACV-SOG, to name a few, to provide unmatched capabilities for an individual on how to instantly finish singular and multiple armed threats in close quarters.

If You haven’t Trained Correctly to Immediately Destroy Multiple Armed Threats in Close Quarters, then You’ve Trained to Die in Battle

You don’t need to go anywhere else to squander years of your life spending thousands of dollars on material that will fail you in the real world of violence. Military guys I’ve trained say my program is the opposite of what the military taught them. Private clients tell me their lives and the lives of their families are worth it. As is yours.

“Professional. Efficient. Effective. Practical. Invaluable to protect yourself and your loved ones.” Meryl



Colonel Fairbairn would have loved these efficient, effective, one-strike knockouts, injuries and lethal solutions to use on bad guys.

Not based on strength or endurance.

Forbidden strikes and targets in martial arts and MMA.


Deadly Errors (Do’s and don’ts)

Getting Hit (Get over it)

Threat Assessment (Bad guy analysis)

Legal System (What to do before and when the cops arrive, if you want a best chance at staying out of prison).


Without this training, the famous General Sun Tzu said all battle is lost.

Step by step guidance on how to win every battle.


Taking Down Larger Threats (The bigger they are…)

Joint Manipulation (Don’t)


Recognize and learn how to use anything to assist you in defeating bad guys.

Pick and use your favorite EDC “tool” that will pass security/law enforcement checks and those to keep handy at home, in your vehicle and at work.


How to easily deal with a knife guy (never, ever do a disarm).

How to pick and use your favorite EDC folder and fixed blade.

Undefeated ronin swordsman Miyamoto Musashi would never use knife combat techniques typical of SEAL training.


Easily take out a bad guy holding any firearm on you (never, ever do a disarm, unless…).

How to pick and use your favorite handgun, rifle and shotgun.


John Wesley Hardin (notorious gunslinger), Billy the Kid (infamous gunfighter), Bass Reeves (famed U.S. Marshal) and Marshall Wyatt Earp, of O.K. Corral gunfight, didn’t survive using a Weaver Stance, Universal Shooting Stance, Isosceles Stance or any other time-consuming, poor response like they teach in the military and law enforcement. They also had an edge over the bad guys that you can use.


Home Invasion (Take the advantage to survive)

Carjacking (When to combat and when not to combat)

Terrorist Attack (Should you run, hide, attack?)


Correctly and quickly go through multiple, armed threats so you’re not the one wearing a toe tag.

Successful tactics and strategies that are ignored or done improperly by other systems.


The Secret Sauce recipe to not only break the fear and phobias from acting in combat but also take you up to a 5000% increase in effectiveness in battle.

Without this training, statistics reveal up to 98% of even skilled military and law enforcement will fail in battle.

Physiological and psychological factors revealed so you can overcome them and use them against the bad guys.

Train in advance to avoid PTS in order to survive after you survived a deadly event.


This explosive section is only in the full book.

Why wait for the bad guys?

Blunt and honest analysis of lethal justification, planning and execution of your own shadow operations that the government doesn’t want anyone (except them) to consider and utilize.

Material that never crossed the mind or lips of martial arts, MMA or Modern Army/Special Operations Combatives.

The COMBATIVS CAMP X THE BLACK ART OF WAR can mean the difference between life and death of you, your families and others, that alternative training methods fail to meet.

SAVE OVER $110. buying the eBook as a bundle.

Additional EXPLOSIVE material is included in this eBook not available in the individual courses.

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