Any martial art, boxing, MMA or “modern” combatives programs that don’t correctly prepare you against multiple unarmed and armed close quarter threats is a recipe for failure
Failure means you, your family and/or others can be violated, kidnapped, injured, crippled or die
2, 3, 4 or more armed close quarter threats can be dealt with using wise strategies and tactics
This is where we put it all together to stop multiple armed close quarter threats
Martial arts (Not that many ever teach multiple armed threat combat but don’t do what they teach if you want to live)
Special Operators/Modern Army Combatives (Not that many ever teach multiple armed threat combat but don’t do what they teach if you want to live)
Statistics and psychology (Truths and myths on multiple armed close quarter threat combat)
Realistic multiple armed threat close quarter combat training (Practical drills will save you)
Analyzing multiple armed threat’s various tactics and attacks (Be ready for anyway it comes)
When you’re unarmed against multiple armed threats (Can do a firearm disarm, if…)
Using your weapons against them (Your superior tradecraft vs theirs)
Knocking out, injuring vs lethal (Your position can dictate your decision)
Develop your multiple armed threat combat tradecraft