Side Hustle / Small Business Cash Flow Spreadsheet

Side hustle / Small business spreadsheet for tax year April 23 - March 24:

You can change your company name and the title of the spreadsheet on the cash flow sheet, you can also add in an amount of starting capital (cash) if you  have any for April.

You may be starting from scratch with 0 so don't change the figure there. You can then make changes to the titles of the income and outgoings, for example if you don't sell on Amazon you could change this to digital products (or whatever you wish).  If you do change any of the titles, make sure you change them within each monthly tab to keep you on track.

Each time you make or spend anything, fill it in on the monthly tab and it will update the cash flow.  Don't adapt any of the formulas on the cash flow. Make sure you keep your receipts of anything you spend and records of any income you make to keep for tax purposes. Once a month is complete, you will have a starting cash figure for the next month.  This will update as you go but will only be relevant once the new month starts.

Good luck with your side hustle or small business journey, don't forget to follow me on Tik Tok @courtyardcreative

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Side Hustle / Small Business Cash Flow Spreadsheet

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