A Simple Guide of What to Eat Vol. 2

There's so much to understand when it comes to nutrition. In Vol. 2 of a Simple Guide of What to Eat, we delve deeper into the exact habits that changed the fat loss game for me going deeper than volume 1. The guide also includes a new 3-weeks of grocery lists and meal ideas.

What we’ll be getting into:

  • Healing your relationship with food

  • Navigating calorie counting vs not tracking - whichever fits your needs best

  • Managing blood sugar

  • Determining if intermittent fasting is right for you and how to do it safely as a woman

  • Optimizing metabolic health and your TDEE

  • Hacks to push through tough patches

  • Reframing your mindset around fat loss shaming

  • 3 weeks of grocery lists and meal plans that coincide with recipes found on my Instagram

Health and wellness and especially fat loss can be overwhelming. In this guide I cut straight to the point and explain what to and why in the most succinct way possible.

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A Simple Guide of What to Eat Vol. 2
