MindShift Transformation Course

You're here because you want to move forward, to become more than you are now, to be healthier, stronger, and more successful. You want to become the person you are meant to be.

The Good news is that you already have everything you need. MindShift will show you how, step by step, to reach your goal.

Release your Baggage

Deep inside you is a “very best self.” That person, however, is bound up by negative things you inherited and by characteristics solidified during your formative years. But you can clear away everything that’s holding you back. Ron holds up a mirror to show you what you’ve been lugging around on your back. He shows you how to follow it back to where you got it. And he teaches you how to get rid of it.

Recognize your Power

We behave more according to our beliefs than to the facts in front of us, which can keep us from becoming who we were made to be. Ron helps you to recognize your power by first identifying your strengths and weaknesses, but there's more. He also helps you to clearly identify your principles and values, purpose, and passion. Once you can see it all clearly, you're ready to begin realizing your potential.

Realize your Potential

Finally, Ron shows you how to move beyond the things that limited you to become the satisfied, successful person you were meant to be. Break through the barriers! Soar through the setbacks! MindShift gives you all the tools you need to set and achieve powerful new goals and experience a new life!

Course Overview

    • First Stage – Release Your Baggage
    • Birth Nature
    • Acquired Nature
    • The Human Condition
    • Cognitive Dissonance
    • Reticular Activating System (RAS)
    • Blindspots/Scotomas
    • Potential Matrix Introduction
    • Body/Primary
    • Soul/Intermediate
    • Intuition/Highest Level
    • Thought Matrix
    • Thought Matrix – Conscious
    • Thought Matrix – SubConscious
    • Thought Matrix – Trash in/Trash out
    • Thought Matrix – Creative Subconscious
    • Self Talk Matrix
    • Self Talk Matrix – Self Image
    • Self Talk Matrix – Self Talk
    • Self Talk Matrix – Self Esteem
    • Self Talk Matrix – Self Fulfilling Prophecy
    • Responsibility
    • Habits
    • Avoidant Behavior
    • Clarity (Teleological Nature)
    • Accountability
    • Stewardship
    • Expectations
    • Personal Truth
    • Second Stage – Recognize your Power
    • Strengths and Weaknesses
    • Principles and Values
    • Purpose and Passion
    • Result Oriented Thinking
    • Core Beliefs
    • Third Stage: Realize your Potential
    • Self-Discipline
    • The A-Team: Aviators, Advisors & Anchors
    • The Road Ahead
    • The Proper Perspective
    • Your Future - Awaited or Created
    • Your Future - The New You
    • InSight - View from the Top
    • MindShift Completed!
    • The importance of the MindSet Assessment
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MindShift Transformation Course.

