"I AM THE MAGIC" Subconscious Reprogramming Sleep Subliminal

Do you want to manifest your dream life, but can't seem to get yourself to really believe its possible? Are you having issues attracting money or love? Do you find it difficult to be confident in yourself and practice self love? Do you want to believe in the power of manifestation but are plagued by the limiting beliefs you were programmed to have?

Then you NEED to listen to this audio.

Your subconscious mind...

...shapes your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. It's responsible for your habits and behaviors, and it's where you store your deepest fears and limiting beliefs.

This audio will not only access and remove these blockages, but also unlock your reservoirs of incredible manifesting power. With daily use, you'll rewrite your limiting beliefs & form new ones that allow you to successfully create a new reality where you have the ability to achieve everything you desire.


This audio has a special focus on confidence, success, love and money with 200+ powerful subliminal affirmations!

  • Empowerment: You have the power to control your thoughts and actions, shaping your reality just the way you want it.

  • Self-Belief: Trusting your abilities and talents boosts your confidence to create the fabulous life you dream of.

  • Endless Opportunities: You become open to all the amazing opportunities that come your way.

  • Manifestation Power: Believing in your ability to manifest goals and dreams, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

  • Safety: You are always divinely protected and safe to pursue and have everything you’ve ever wanted

  • Joy and Fulfillment: You’re capable of creating a life filled with joy and fulfillment, embracing happiness every day.

  • Confident Actions: Taking bold and confident steps towards your goals becomes second nature, propelling you forward.

  • Money Magnetism: You become a money magnet, effortlessly attracting wealth into your life.

  • Financial Receptiveness: Being open to receiving money enhances your financial abundance.

  • Wealth Worthiness: Recognizing your worthiness for wealth and financial success empowers you to pursue it.

  • Generosity: Your financial freedom allows you to be generous, positively impacting others.

  • Prosperity Flow: Tapping into the universal supply of money, you experience a continuous flow of prosperity.

  • Love Attraction: You effortlessly attract love and abundance into your life.

  • Healthy Relationships: You deserve and create healthy, loving relationships.

  • Radiating Love: By radiating love and kindness, you attract it back in abundance.

  • Unconditional Love: You are capable of giving and receiving love unconditionally.

  • Surrounded by Love: Feeling surrounded by love and positivity enriches your life.


Happy Manifesting!

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"I AM THE MAGIC" My Most Powerful Subliminal Reprogramming Sleep Hypnosis

Subliminal Audio
