Picture this: waking up to a bank account overflowing with money, luxurious vacations at your fingertips, and the freedom to live life on your own terms. It's not a fantasy – it's your reality waiting to be unleashed.

That’s exactly what my Extreme Money + Wealth Subliminal is designed to do. This is the new and most powerful version of my original money manifesting subliminals that people have loved and seen INSANE results with for the last 2 years. This version, however is updated with my most powerful subliminal creation technique, as well as new specially formulated affirmations designed to have the most suggestive and impactful affect on the subconscious mind , reprogramming any limiting beliefs or blocks you have that are keeping money from flowing endlessly into your life, as well as raise your frequency to align with all the wealth and abundance you desire.

This rain sound subliminal is 1 hour long and can be played on repeat throughout the night or once while falling asleep.

Are you ready for the money to rain? ✨💰


  • Have an endless supply of money.

  • Make money in your sleep.

  • Every time you take a breath, more money comes to you

  • Every time you blink your eyes, you become a stronger magnet for money

  • Attract money easily and effortlessly.

  • Be able to afford everything you want with ease

  • paid to exist, my existence pays for itself

  • Everywhere you go, attract wealth effortlessly

  • best at manifesting wealth and making money effortlessly.

  • most financially magnetic person in the world.

  • Extremely successful in all ventures.

  • Tapped into the universal, limitless supply of money.

  • All the money received you multiply.

  • feel worthy of wealth and success

  • rich doing what you love.

  • complete financial freedom

  • abundant, rich, wealthy, deserving, worthy.

  • be money’s favorite person.

  • always have more than enough money.

  • Only think about money positively.

  • believe there is enough money for everyone.

  • ability to handle massive success with ease.

  • change the world with money.

  • believe anyone can be wealthy, especially you.

  • welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth

  • Money creates a positive impact on your life and the life of others.

  • Grateful for the freedom money provides for you and your loved ones.

  • Money comes to you in both expected and unexpected ways.

  • Money is drawn to you

  • Money is openly flowing into your life.

  • feel safe to earn more money than you need.

  • feel safe to enjoy money.

  • earn more money than anyone you know

  • be financially secure.

  • have overflowing money

  • joyfully receive overwhelming amounts of money NOW

  • bank accounts are overflowing with money NOW

  • feel money raining down on you NOW

  • feel money flowing to you this INSTANT

  • Money is finding its way to you NOW.

  • Money loves you the most.

  • all money you spend comes back to you multiplied

  • spend money happily and without guilt

  • everything you touch turns into gold.

  • The more you focus on joy, the more money you make.

  • release all blocks and allow wealth to flow in.

  • release all resistance to attracting money.

  • The Universe is always conspiring in your favor

  • your abundant life is always divinely protected

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Subliminal Audio
