"Luckiest Girl in the World" Subliminal (Music version: "I'm so lucky, lucky")

Luck is not just a matter of chance, but a mindset and a way of life. This subliminal will tap into your innate lucky girl energy so you can start experiencing more of the good things life has to offer. You will start to radiate a magnetic energy that attracts good things effortlessly. You will start to expect good things to happen daily, and the universe will not disappoint you. Magnetize luck, money, gifts, free experiences and the absolute best treatment everywhere you go, effortlessly!

Example Affirmations:

  • I am the luckiest person alive

  • Everything works out in my favor

  • Everything works out best scenario for me,

  • I am always successful,

  • Everything I touch turns to gold,

  • I always get what I want

  • Life is so easy for me,

  • Life is effortless for me,

  • I instantly manifest my desires

  • I am blessed with wealth, health, happiness, love and beauty

  • The world is designed for me to be happy 24/7.

  • The universe is always working in my favor

  • I always get special treatment.

  • People love to do things for me.

  • I always find money everywhere I go

  • Unexpected money always flow to me

  • Unexpected opportunities always come to me

  • If I want it, I got it

  • I am divinely gifted and protected

  • I am the luckiest person I know

  • "You literally get everything you ever want"

  • "You are always offered free items"

  • "You go out and get free drinks, food, experiences"

    +50 more affirmations!

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"Luckiest Girl in the World" Subliminal (Music version: "I'm so lucky, lucky")

Subliminal Audio
