I Drink My Fruits & Veggies
Eden Crunch
Mixed Greens- Protect brain health, Tames toxins, Support Immune System, Balance Sugar levels, Fights Belly Bloat &more
Mangoes- 20 vitamins, colon cancer preventative, fights heart disease and weight control
Pineapples-Diease fight antioxidants, Aid Digestion, Boost Immunity & more Ginger-Reduce Pain, Helps with Nausea & Upset Stomach, Improves Immunity & more Oranges- Protect cells from damage, Boost Immune System, Helps body make collagen & more
Coconut Milk-Electrolyte Balance, Anti-Flammontory Properties, Promotes gastrointestinal health & more
Dragon Fruit is Rich in Fiber - Helps manage body weight, protect against heart disease and manage type 2 diabetes
Enhance Immune Function - excellent source of carotenoids & vitamin c antioxidants in DF work to lower the risk of developing inflammatory conditions like the gout and arthritis
Boost Iron Levels- Iron is necessary to breaking down food as energy & one cup offers 8% of RDI
Prebiotic Properties- nourish gut bacteria and the oligosaccharides stimulate healthy bacterial growth in the stomach and intestines
Rich in Fatty Acids- The black seeds contain omega-3 and omega-9 also help reduce risk of certain types of cancer
Magnesium Supply- One cup of dragon fruit satisfies 18% of RDI of Magnesium