7 Days 2 Flawsome!: 7 Day Mini Course

Where Could YOU be in 7 Days?

*7 Days 2 Flawsome!*


Small daily changes that add uk to big changes! Start healing you!

So excited to bring this life changing mini course back to you all for free 💥✨💚

* Do you want to make some healthy changes but don’t know where to start?

* Don’t think you have time to be healthy?

* Want to feel healthier and not be overwhelmed by the changes?

Let me show you an easier way… ✨💥

What do you get:

  • 7 days of motivational suggestions

  • My 7 day Journal and Guide

  • Healthy Tips and Ideas

  • Self Care Ideas

  • Healing meditation infused with 5d+ Reiki healing magic

  • Green Smoothie Recipe

  • Main Meal Recipe Idea

  • And more!


*Some of the benefits of doing 7 Days 2 Flawsome! *

* Feel healthier and more energised

* Feel better about yourself

* Be more positive and happy

* Sleep Better

* Manage time and stress more easily

* Learn something new..

* Find YOUR inner Flawsomeness!

* And much more…..



Option to get daily email prompts for the 7 days too for maximum results! (Inside members dashboard)

Because I want to help you succeed the best way you can this is FREE!!!

Sharing some client love about past 7 Days 2 Flawsome! group experiences:

‘Thank you Jemma for inviting everyone to be a part of your community. You are so inspirational and it shows in what you have created here. I have utilised the resources you provided and I enjoyed the educational tid-bits and support. You have helped me stay on track nutritionally and emotionally, thank you.’

Jacinda. US. (7 Days 2 Flawsome! Feedback)

‘Thank you for all your hard work and fabulousness. I may not use all of it now, but I am secure in the knowledge I have the info and help when I want it. You are an inspiration and going from strength to strength. Thank you, much love.’

Keren. Busy Mum. UK. (7 Days 2 Flawsome! Feedback)

‘I have really enjoyed 7 Days 2 Flawsome! Sometimes we need a reminder to drink more water or move more. The hemp milk was a big takeaway for me and I found the 7 Day Journal super helpful and lovely thing to write in daily. You’re building an amazing community.’

Laura D. Nurse and Busy Mum of 3. UK. (7 Days 2 Flawsome! Feedback)

‘Thank you so much for the 7 day kickstart, I really needed it an have been eating well and exercising more as a result! It came just at the right time for me and getting your daily messages kept me accountable but weren’t crazy asks, just small things that have made such a difference.’

Laura B. UK. (7 Days 2 Flawsome! Feedback)

Course Overview

    • Sign Up for Daily Emails To Accompany Course Here
    • 7 Days 2 Flawsome! 7 Day Guide & Journal
    • Self Care Tips
    • Affirmations & Gratitude
    • Journaling Prompts to Get You Started
        • Healthy Choices Meditation
                    • Rainbow Healing Meditation
                    • Goal Setting Planner
                    • Sign Up for Emails to Accompany Course
                  Profile picture

                  7 Days 2 Flawsome!: 7 Day Mini Course

