A State to Create: Making Things Happen

After a successful 1st round, we’re back to pick up more ambitious creators!

Max 20 Creatives and Creators. We start Wednesday, October 2nd

[Live classes are 1 hour, with 30 mins for Q&A and our guest speakers. Join on Wednesdays at 10:00am Pacific, 1:00pm New York, 6:00pm London and 8pm Athens - we are a beautifully diverse crowd of travellers and entrepreneurs. Come add some juice to the middle of your week.]

Okay, but now listen to me for a moment, my dear one:

If you are... [creative, ambitious, passionate], you tend to dream big and are a prime candidate for taking on too much and  becoming overwhelmed before you’ve even STARTED.

If your goal really is to get this dream [project/ business/ art piece/ career] OFF THE GROUND with a side of “ACTUALLY ENJOYING THE RIDE,” then please...

Let me teach you a path of gentler ambition, and a method to success that has a chance to last.

This is the second round of this 6-week group performance coaching programme for creatives, entrepreneurs and ambitious dreamers..

…designed to connect you more deeply to your purpose, deepen your vision for the future, grow that dream [project/ business/ art piece/ career] in a way that’s sustainable rather than icky and stressful, and come away feeling inspired to get up and DO THE DAMN THING you’ve had on your mind and back-burner foreeeever.

Who we are:

  • Moi: [...]

  • My Co-Host for this Round: Bianca Ceruta - coach, therapist extraordinaire and fellow big-jump maker!

  • About us: Bianca and I have both made the big switch - from violinist and designer, to therapist and coach, all by ourselves, with no 'Plan B' or outside help (that was stupid!). Alas, we know what it takes to do something scary, and push past the fears that come creating a life of your own design and terms.

What we can do for you:

  • We will work on your limiting beliefs, that ‘stuckness’ or freeze response in your nervous system, being unsure where to start and the anxiety that comes with having to take the first step, showing up and being SEEN and HEARD for your talents and what you have to offer.

  • We will bring your emotional and nervous system strategy up to par to match your big ambitions. That means stress management, somatic protocols and rituals you can take into any place, meeting and scenario, and a better understanding of the psychology and biology of your mind and body.

  • We will give you roadmaps, visioning exercise, coaching drills and many many bonuses we refuse to disclose for now (you’ll just have to join and see...)

Above all we’re here for you if...

  • If you know you want something, but don’t know how to get it.

  • If you’ve got so many ideas that you don’t know where to start.

  • If you’ve started working on something, and it’s started feeling heavy and hard.

  • If you know you can do it, but spend too much time worrying about others.

How participants feel before ❤️‍🩹

How participants feel after ❤️

What you’ll get:

  1. 6 LIVE classes: Join the live sessions each week to be guided through each step of the strategy, hand in hand. All sessions will be recorded and made available to you for your forever reference.

  2. Mindset coaching: You'll be guided through the limiting beliefs and stories that are keeping you stuck in the same old patterns, getting the same old results. We'll be meeting the inner child and the shadow self to bring them together in safety and harmony, to create something you will be proud of.

  3. Somatic Experiencing practices: Each session is based on nervous system regulation techniques and you'll have your own to be able to take away and apply in your every day. Regulation and being able to create from an open, receptive, creative and curious state is absolutely key to finding purpose and going after your desires.

  4. The ‘State to Create’ Strategy: This is a step by step 'what to do next' if you either have a desire, or are already working on one. A practical map of where you’re at, and where you’re going to go next, tied logically into the live class content and your own vision.

  5. Access to the 'State to Create' Support Group: For those of you wanting extra, round the clock help, you'll have access to a WhatsApp chat for personalised support and guidance on your journey throughout the whole 6 weeks and beyond.

  6. Bonus class time: Join extra live class time included for free, with experts on topics such as creating a vision, and being confident in your content creation, as well as a 1:1 check in call with Bianca or myself at the end to set you well on your way to doing something amazing!

We are here to help you make a true lifestyle shift, and find your activated and resourced creator energy! Meaning we’re here to…

…to give you the somatic, cognitive and practical tools to help you get up every morning and create something you’re proud of (and them stick it out this time!)

... to help you match purpose and business so you can build a livelihood that is sustainable for you physically, mentally and emotionally.

....to go beyond guides and templates and finding your personal, individual “State to Create” and to “Start Making Things Happen.”

You got everything you need, you just need someone to have your back!

Come join us. We start Oct 2nd. You’re right on time!

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'A State to Create': Cohort 2 | Oct 2nd - Nov 13th with @biancamceruta

Group Program

£210/month x 4

or £800 once