Laying the foundations for your growth

Soil is going to be your nervous system’s new best friend - a resource to turn to whenever everything feels overwhelming, or when you can’t quite seem to figure out what it is that you need.

What is it?

I spent years in and thousands of pounds on CBT and talk therapies. I’ve spent thousands more pounds at university learning all about the mind and human psychology, but what has made the most profound difference in my own healing journey from trauma, is working with my body, aka the nervous system.

If you’re someone who over-analyses, over-thinks, self-diagnoses, and tries to out-logic their emotions, rather than feeling them, this is for you.

Many people stay stuck in therapy for years, wondering why they cannot simply just ‘heal’ or just ‘fix’ their patterns. What your body holds onto runs deep, and SOIL is here to help you lay the foundations for doing this work, and eventually releasing whatever it is holding you back.

We cannot launch into any 10-step programme or suddenly shift everything at the snap of our fingers, while our nervous system is sensing danger and stress. The anxiety, the gut issues, the low mood, the lack of focus, the feeling like you have no energy to get anything done aren’t happening because something is wrong with you - they are your body’s reaction to whatever it’s facing. And that might just be your never ending to do list, or that stack of work piling up on your desk.

To re-write our story and definition of safety, first we must lay the foundation for understanding and creating the space for the body and nervous system to be held and sense, that in fact, we are safe at last. That it is safe here, to start to send out feelers towards new beginnings, the things that excite us, and most of all, new growth.

SOIL is an introduction to working with your nervous system to takeaway and use over and over, as many times as you need, to bring yourself back down to earth, back down to your body. Think of it as a 'nervous system basics'.

You may be able to see noticeable shifts in the way you start to show up and feel about things, even after just a few days of practice.

I'm Isabel, Somatic Coach & multi-passionate creative based in Athens.

After nearly a decade working in design & behavioural science research, a freak accident triggered me to take the leap to return to my studies. I am currently furthering my knowledge as a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner and Integrative Psychotherapist.

I work with wonderful humans all across the world, to return them back to the safety and the deep knowing that is already within each and every one of them.

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SOIL | Lay the foundations for your growth

Notion workbook