4 Week Plyometric Program

Transform your athletic ability starting today!

The Program:

  • 4 week program, 3 workout days per week

  • Warmup included

  • Lifetime access (downloadable)

  • Clickable video references

  • Designed to increase vertical and horizontal jump, speed, power, and explosiveness

  • Beneficial for athletes of any sport

Freebies Included:

  • A daily stretching routine that can be done at your convenience

  • Rehab exercises for the 4 most common overuse injuries in athletes who run and jump a lot in their sport (shin splints, achilles tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, plantar fasciitis)

Equipment Needed:

  • Mini 6" hurdles

  • Hurdles

  • A plate or low (4-6") box

  • A low (12-18") and high (24-30") box

This program is designed to get your body up to speed with various plyometric forces and mechanics.

It is recommended to have at least one day of rest between training days.

By performing any of the exercises in this program, you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.

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Plyometric Program

