This Isn’t What We Signed Up For, Right?

You thought you'd be living the dream—tours, music festivals, creative freedom. But here you are, juggling your guitar case and wondering how life got so... complicated. Between kids (or wondering if you even want kids), the weird hours, and the lingering hand pain from too many late-night gigs (hello, tendonitis and carpal tunnel), it's starting to hit you: this isn't what you pictured when you imagined making a living from your talent.

Guess what? You're not alone

Life as a musician can be chaotic, but you don’t have to navigate it by yourself. Together, we’ll explore the challenges you’re facing and create a plan that makes sense for you—one that helps you move forward with more clarity and balance.

Life’s Got Layers—More Than We Ever Expected

When we first started this journey, it was all about the music. Now? There's a lot more to think about:

  • Clients and Contracts: Managing gigs and dealing with clients isn't as galmourous as it sounded.

  • Kids or No Kids? Wondering if they fit into your life, or trying to balance it all now that they’re here.

  • Health Issues: Dealing with tendonitis, carpal tunnel, or those dreaded vocal nodes. Suddenly, your body isn’t playing along like it used to.

  • Relationships: Keeping relationships intact when you’re always on the road or up at odd hours

  • Traveling: It used to sound glamorous, right? Now, it's just exhausting.

  • Self-Employment: The freedom we wanted... with all the unpredictability we didn’t.

  • Mental Health: Keeping your head above water when the gigs are slow, or when old insecurities start bubbling up again.

Enter: Momentum Coaching

Reimagine Your Career, Reignite Your Passion

For musicians and creatives, the business side of things can be overwhelming—contracts, clients, and the constant juggle between gigs and real life. Momentum Coaching is about creating a space to redesign your career to fit the life you want, without sacrificing your passion or burning out. Together, we’ll help you streamline your path, rediscover your passion, and turn your business into something that works for you—not the other way around.

What you Get

A Tailored Approach That Helps You Navigate Your Path

This 4-week coaching is for musicians who are ready to find more balance in their lives and get back in tune with what matters most. My role isn’t to give you all the answers or tell you what to do—but to help guide you as we explore what works best for you. Together, we’ll create a space where you can reflect, gain clarity, and discover the tools you need to feel aligned in both life and music.

Here’s what we’ll work on together:

  • Clarity on Your Business and Life Goals

    Whether it’s finding a new direction or refining your current path, you’ll gain clarity on where to focus next.

  • Actionable Systems for Business Growth

    We’ll work together to implement systems that keep your business running smoothly—even when life gets chaotic.

  • Career 2.0

    We’ll explore what comes next in your music career—or even beyond it. You’re not stuck, and we’ll work together to find new possibilities.

  • Holistic Success

    We’ll focus on building a life that supports your creative career and gives you space to thrive both personally and professionally.

  • Navigate Life Changes

    Whether it's family, health, or mental well-being, we’ll work through your transitions and help you find solutions that make sense for your unique situation.

A little bundle of Bonuses

When you join, you’ll get some awesome bonuses, including a complimentary 60-minute 1:1 session, a guided meditation challenge, and a beginner’s challenge to land your first gig. You’ll also get a tip tracking template and a song list template to keep your income and performances organized.

Flexible, Personalized Support

You’re the expert on your life, and I’m here to help you navigate it—not with rigid advice, but with the support and tools you need to uncover your next steps. We’ll communicate through voice messages on WhatsApp (or text if you can't talk), where you can share thoughts and reflections at your own pace. I’ll respond within 24 hours, Monday through Thursday, offering feedback, support, and guidance. We’ll also have one 60-minute session where we can dive deeper into specific challenges or opportunities you’re facing.

What you will learn

  • 1) Apply

    First, you’ll fill out a simple application to share your current challenges and goals. This helps us make sure we’re a great fit before we move forward.

  • 2) Discovery Period (48 Hours)

    Once we agree to move forward, we’ll begin with a 48-hour discovery period. During this time, we’ll exchange reflections and questions, so I can understand your specific needs. This is the foundation for everything that follows.

  • 3) Set Your Intentions & Goals

    After the discovery period, we’ll outline your intentions and goals. This is where we build your personalized plan, designed to support your life, career, and well-being.

  • 4) Keep it going

    With your plan in place, you’ll receive flexible, four-week voice coaching through WhatsApp. You can voice message me when it’s convenient for you, and I’ll respond within 24 hours (Monday through Thursday), providing support and guidance as you move forward.

What You’ll Walk Away With

By the end of our time together, here’s what you’ll have:

  • Clarity on What’s Next

    Together, we’ll help you gain insight on how your music and life intersect—and how to create harmony between the two.

  • Practical Tools for Stress Relief

    We’ll work together to explore practical strategies that fit into your life, helping you manage stress and feel more grounded.

  • A Reignited Passion

    Whether it’s in music or other parts of your life, you’ll reconnect with what matters most to you and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose.

  • A Shift in Mindset and Energy

    By the end of our time together, you'll experience a noticeable shift in how you approach challenges—feeling more positive, energized, and motivated to tackle both your personal and professional goals with a renewed sense of optimism and calm.

My Story—From Running on Empty to Running the Show

As a musician, I understand the chaos of the creative life. For years, I struggled to find balance, feeling overwhelmed by my schedule and responsibilities. It felt like I was always running on empty. That all changed when I began integrating mindfulness and practical strategies into my life. It helped me regain control, reduce stress, and reconnect with my creativity.

Now, I’m here to help you do the same. I know firsthand how difficult it can be to juggle your passion for music with everything else life throws at you. Through this coaching program, I’m bringing together my experience and training to help you find your own rhythm—so you can thrive both in your career and your personal life.

Frequently asked questions

  • How does flexible coaching work?

    You can send voice or text messages via WhatsApp whenever it’s convenient for you, and I’ll respond within 24 hours (Monday-Thursday). It’s designed to fit your unpredictable schedule. We'll also do weekly Check-ins and reviews (reviews are for more business-related topics)

    This Beta run is for 4 weeks from the time of signing up.

  • Will I see results?

    Yes, but this program is about making sustainable, lasting changes. You’ll start to feel more in control of your life and routines, with less overwhelm.

  • I’m really busy—can I still fit this in?

    Absolutely! You can check in when you have a few minutes, whether that’s late at night or between gigs. The flexibility is designed to fit your life, not the other way around.

  • I saw you're a meditation coach. Do I have to meditate to do this?

    No, you don’t have to meditate. While my training is in meditation & personal coaching, this program is about finding the tools that work best for you. Meditation is one option, but we’ll focus on what feels right for you in your life and career.

  • Is this program only for musicians?

    While it’s tailored for musicians, the strategies we cover are helpful for any creative professional dealing with the unpredictability of freelance life.

  • This is how much?! Why is this priced so low?

    This is a 4-week beta round, meaning you get personalized coaching for only $97 while I fine-tune the program based on your feedback. In return, you’ll receive high-quality, flexible coaching at a fraction of the regular price, and your input will help shape the future of this offer.

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Momentum Coaching

Anytime Coaching for Musicians