Baddie Badminton Membership🏸

Simply select the earliest time slot in order to submit your payment. The time slot you select will serve as a confirmation for when you submitted your Membership Fee. It is NOT an official virtual meeting or session.

All official meet ups and RSVPs for Badminton Sessions will be sent via the Official Facebook Group and/or posted on the official Baddie Badminton Instagram Stories (, after purchase the Facebook group link will be sent to your sign up email. This Membership also unlocks free private lessons before tournament sessions, please ask Laura for more info!

Note: No exchanges or returns once the membership is submitted. Weather may affect start times and event days. Utilizing a non applicable coupon code/discount for when submitting your membership will result in no official membership into the league. 1 Purchase valid for 1 season.

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Baddie Badminton Membership🏸

1:1 Session — 2 hours
