Group FertilityCare Introductory Session (fulfills NFP Req. for marriage prep)
Usually held the first Monday of every month!
In Natural Family Planning (NFP), the couple understands, accepts and uses their God-given phases of fertility and infertility for the purpose of achieving or avoiding pregnancy. In this way, the unitive and procreative, the love-giving and life-giving meanings of sexual intercourse are maintained together in a responsible way.
The NFP component for marriage preparation is to be a minimum of one full hour of information and discussion provided by an individual or couple with specific training and expertise in a specific NFP method. A certificate of attendance will be given to the couple and must be submitted to the pastor or his delegate.
The method taught in this NFP overview session is the Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS). The Creighton Model System can help you:
monitor, maintain & evaluate your gynecologic & reproductive health
share responsibility for fertility regulation between spouses
uncover the root cause and treat many female health issues instead of masking symptoms
achieve or avoid pregnancy with safe & clinically proven effective alternative to hormonal birth control & IVF