Join Group Hugs for the support you want right now

We meet twice a week on Zoom and talk about our feelings. That's all. Just talking and listening and giving each other support.

The group meets Monday afternoons (4-5 pm Eastern time) and Thursday evenings (8-9 pm Eastern time). We won't record the sessions, so everyone can speak freely. Come and talk about what you're feeling, what you're worried about, what's making you happy.


Everything's stressful already, and the incoming administration is only going to make that worse

I have big feelings about that, and I bet you do, too. If you're tired of making your partner or BFF hear all your feelings, or you're surrounded by people who don't get why all this is so scary, or you want to be able to talk about good things without people thinking you're not concerned about the state of the world, or you're just tired of all the worries winding around and around inside your head and chest, Group Hugs is just right for you.

"I feel like a bit of the weight has been lifted from my heart" -- A Group Hugs member who lives in a very red area

Group Hugs is simple and supportive

Every week, there are two Zoom calls. Log in to one or both, and talk about your feelings with the rest of the group, or just listen. There's nothing else to do, no reading or homework, and no message board or chat group (I don't want people getting into an adrenaline loop of checking for messages all day every day). Just come when you can and want to, and talk about what you want to talk about, and listen and support the others in the group.

By joining, you agree to some things

By purchasing this subscription you agree to keep the group and everyone in it as safe as possible. You agree not to disclose anything said in Group Hugs to anyone else, not to download any captions or transcripts from any Group Hugs sessions, and not to engage in Misery Poker in the group. (Misery Poker means comparing your own pain or distress to others', either to downplay their pain and distress or to downplay your own pain and distress. Everybody's pain is valid.)

You agree to give everyone in the group (including yourself) the benefit of the doubt, to co-create safety in the group, and be honest and kind.

Group Hugs is not a place to vent negative feelings unchecked. Reality matters, so if you're looping or spiraling, we'll call you on it (kindly), and we expect you to call people on it (kindly) if they're getting into a spiral.

Group Hugs is not therapy, or a substitute for therapy.

Hosted by me

It's me, Magda Pecsenye, formerly Ask Moxie, the parenting advice blogger who helped you work through all your parenting questions while staying true to yourself. Everyone always says I gather the best groups of people to talk about the things that really matter, so that's what I'm doing here. Putting together Group Hugs so you can get and give support from other good people who know that feelings matter and that we can't stay isolated or we'll stay stuck.

This isn't therapy, I'm not licensed to do anything except drive (and I'm certified in Agile Project Management, but I don't think we're going to be developing any software in Group Hugs). But I've been solving problems for people, and teaching people to solve their own problems, for decades. So some of Group Hugs is going to be solving problems, and some of it is going to be getting the feelings out there to feel supported when there isn't any way to solve the problem.

What Happens Next

  • Sign Up

    You click the button to sign up and pay, and then you'll get an email confirmation that you're in the group. If you'd rather pay weekly ($27) than monthly, go to this page and sign up through the weekly page. (The amounts are exactly the same. Three monthly payments is equal to 13 weekly payments. I don't penalize anyone for wanting to pay in smaller increments.)

  • Click through the link when it's time for the meeting

    Block off Monday at 4 pm Eastern and Thursday at 8 pm Eastern on your calendar. On Monday morning, you'll get an email with the Zoom link for the week's meetings. When it's time to join, just click through.

  • Talk and/or listen

    Say what you need to say to get it out of your body. And listen to what other people are saying to help them get it out, too. Rinse, repeat.