If you feel like you're OVER-EXTENDING YOURSELF where you are, let's outsmart that complexity and grow your capacity, so you can pioneer new fields in your leadership journey!

When others settle for a J-O-B that offers no future, pioneering leaders are putting in the future work to see what others cannot anticipate yet and go for it!

You will be emailed access to everything in easy-to-follow checkpoints, so you're better prepared to find new fields of leadership for the future!

With this training trail, you can go from
"NO FUTURE HERE" to pioneering NEW FIELDS!


What you will learn

  • Checkpoint 1: We're Where Going

    Too many people settle in dead-in jobs that offer no path forward for their leadership journey. Learn how to look beyond your current work to see where you're going!

  • Checkpoint 2: Catching Fresh Winds

    When others feel no motivation to move ahead in their lives, pioneering leaders know how to catch fresh winds while they put in the future work. This is powerful stuff!

  • Checkpoint 3: Defining Your New Fields

    The strategic advantage that you need to lead is the ability to define the future of what you do. Learn how to identify and develop the right role proactively.

  • Checkpoint 4: Finding Your Brave Face

    Courage is the irreplaceable quality that helps you take on a new field, and it also creates an irresistible culture that others want to join.

I'm Peter Burchfield, a pioneering leader and the guide of this training trail.

Sadly, most "leaders" are painfully unprepared for the uncharted territory ahead. (That's because we're not going beyond Personal/Team Development towards Leadership Preparedness.)

My passion is pioneering leadership for the new fields where the future is happening.

Pioneering Leadership > Podcast > Community > Executive Coaching

My mission is to guide 5K "pioneers" to become better prepared for entrepreneurship or executive leadership.

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Feeling Stuck? | Preparing Ministry & Business Leaders For New Fields
