Question & Answer Séance

Join TWO Physical Mediums working together in harmony to bring us unique experiences! Through the mediumship of Mychael Shane & Julie Adreani, we will have the opportunity to connect with Masters from Shambalah and other spirits for healing, education & wisdom, love and often times, even humor!

This Seance may give sitters an opportunity to ask a question of their choice to the Spirit Control or visiting Spirit.

What type of phenomena cannot be guaranteed as each sitting is an experiment and guided by those on the Spirit side. Having said that, here are some examples of phenomena that has been experienced in Mychael & Julie's dark Séances (dark Séance means we will be sitting in a room without any white light, with occasional red light):

-Levitation of objects
-Direct Voice (Spirit voices speaking through a spirit trumpet)
-Independent Voice (Spirit voices speaking through an ectoplasmic pseudopod)
-Partial or full materialization of spirits (which may result in physical touches, hearing them move around or manipulate objects and/or speak to sitters, etc )
-Healing of any kind dictated by the Masters
-Apports (Items/objects appearing in the room that were not previously present)
-Precipitated Art (images that appear on a previously blank surface/canvas)

There is a MANDATORY pre- Séance talk that MUST be attended by all sitters or you will not be able to join the event. Please do not attend if you have a fear of the dark or are claustrophobic. If proceedings are interrupted, the Séance will end for everyone.

During the Séance you will be expected to actively participate by singing when requested to do so to bring up the energy in the room…. And to follow all rules exacted by Mychael, Julie, their human team members or the spirit team members. This is for the safety of the Mediums and for the best possible experience for all.

The length of time stated for this event is approximate. Please be aware that the the event may end earlier or later and there is no way to plan a punctual ending :-)

If you have any questions or concerns before registering, you may contact the following:

-Eva Vega, SCOTC President of the Board:; 805-689-5538
       [Eva has sat in Séances with both mediums and is willing to share her experiences if desired]
-Rev Pamela Bollinger, SCOTC Pastor:; 805-965-4474

Our Website:
Pensight for Event Registration:

NO REFUNDS for this event unless you have a certifiable medical emergency and a replacement can be found to take your place. Thank you!

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Question & Answer Séance with Mychael Shane & Julie Adreani

Group Session — sold out - 4 hours
