In this guidebook we are going to find your authentic self. This part of the journey may hold some confronting aspects. We spend our lives from birth being shaped and moulded by our environments, by the expectations of others, and by societal standards. We slowly become what we have been taught and believe we must become. The result of this process brings disconnection from ourselves in the attempt to fit in, to be accepted and loved. We become trapped, we lose our emotional freedom and ultimately we stop listening to ourselves. Once we form this disconnection with ourselves it is hard to build authentic connection with others. In this guidebook we are going to embark on a journey inwards, bringing awareness to the parts of ourselves that are true, and the parts that are not. This guidebook brings a significant amount in introspection and awareness into our thoughts, behaviours and our way of life. This guidebook brings us back to ourself, building connection and trust back into our ability to hear and be guided by our authentic voice. This guidebook allows us to bring awareness to the way that we speak to ourselves, the belief we have in ourselves and ultimately brings power back into ourselves. We are going to shine a light onto the parts of ourself that we have been carrying around for a long time. It is time to clear these trapped emotions, question the outdates beliefs, bring awareness to whose voice we are actually listening to and step into a version of yourself that is authentically you. We are loosing our false sense of self to rediscover our true and abundantly powerful self.

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Volume 4: Discovering the real YOU. Finding your way back to your authentic self.

