This guidebook gently guides you into understanding the why behind your thoughts, actions and behaviours. Why do I react that way? Why does that scare me? Why do I want this? Why am I shutting down? Why did that hurt me? Why am I judging myself? Why am I thinking this? Why am I okay with people disrespecting my boundaries? Why am I trying to prove I am good enough? Why does this make me feel so much anger? Why do I care about this? The questions you can ask yourself when you’re present with your thoughts and emotions are endless. The question of why turns the spotlight inward. The question of why stops us from projection and deflection and brings us into a space of introspection, awareness and understanding. The skills developed by being able to have the honest conversation of why with yourself, stops us from reacting, stops us from feeling confused about situations and deepens our level of self awareness and connection with self. Once we begin to understand ourselves and our why, we start living consciously aware. Asking ourselves why causes us to shine a light and break free from dense emotions or hidden pains that are trapped within us. These trapped emotions or hidden pains subconsciously rule our thoughts, actions and behaviours. By shining a light on them or bringing awareness and healing to them, we become lighter beings.