How to Build Your Fragrance Word - 4 Week Beginner Friendly Course on Perfumes

Imagine yourself…

Walking down the street, calm and confident, with your favorite perfume on. As you move, heads turn, and whispers of admiration follow you. Someone stops you to tell you that, “You smell amazing! Do you mind sharing with me what you are wearing?”

Now, imagine having that irresistible effect on people.

Power, confidence, and one of your best kept secrets — fragrance.

Do you want to have that effect on people? We are here to show you how.

Read below to find out more about this course and the best kept beauty secrets known to mankind.

Transform your experience with perfume and captivate everyone around you.

Imagine yourself…

Walking down the street, calm and confident, with your favorite perfume on. As you move, heads turn, and whispers of admiration follow you. Someone stops you to tell you that, “You smell amazing! Do you mind sharing with me what you are wearing?”

Now, imagine having that irresistible effect on people.

Power, confidence, and one of your best-kept secrets — fragrance.

We’re here to guide you on this enchanting journey.


  • To understand what smells amazing on you and why that scent works best for you.

  • To embrace the confidence of a woman who knows her scent is one of her best-kept beauty secrets.

  • To use fragrance as a confidence booster wherever you are in your life to thrive

  • To smell absolutely irresistible to yourself and others that people stop you wherever you go.

This course is for you….

What You’ll Get

Join our exclusive online class where we unravel the art of perfume, revealing the secrets to smelling absolutely irresistible. The world of fragrance is mysterious, and we’re about to share the untold secrets.


  • 4 weeks' worth of course modules with video content with Lead Beauty Expert, Sterling Jones, on perfume and fragrance including audience questions and expert feedback.

  • Course Exercises with each module breaking down the concepts more.

  • Multiple digital PDFs as learning exercises and guides along with your course.

If you dream of incorporating fragrance into a new you, this class is your gateway.


  1. The Mysterious Fragrance World: Delve into the intricacies of the fragrance realm with the history of fragrance, the psychology of scent, humanity’s fascination with scent, and why fragrance can be difficult to explain.

  2. Using Scent to Your Advantage: Learn how to leverage scent for maximum impact that is unique to you always and stand out in the crowd with types of fragrances.

  3. Finding Your Signature Fragrance: Explore the types of fragrances that suit you best so, you rarely have trouble finding the right one for you.

  4. Creating a Personal Wear Ritual: Establish your unique approach to wearing fragrance as the best beauty secrets are custom made like couture.

  5. Using Scent as a Secret Tool of Success: Learn how to establish your scent ritual as a tool of success in your daily life and as a tool of confidence.

  6. The Art of Fragrance Etiquette: Learn how to shop with a former beauty advisor in-store to feel at ease going to the counter and learn what fragrances are more potent for any type of event.

  7. Perfumery 101: Perfect for any entrepreneur wanting to get into the fragrance industry with a two-hour class on fragrance on a perfumery level.

After attending this class, your perception of fragrance will be forever transformed. Embrace the allure of scents and elevate your experience to be one of your best kept secrets. Are you ready? Seize the opportunity to learn about perfumes today!

Your Expert

Sterling Jones is the Founder and Lead Beaute Education Expert at The Beauté Study. Jones leads in teaching the fragrance masterclasses with a background in beauty education, editorial, sales and history. As the lead expert, she utilizes her background in fragrance, history, and beauty education to bring you fresh point of view of what fragrance can be like in your daily lives. Her background includes two BFAs in Art History and Business of Beauty & Fragrance from Savannah College of Art & Design.


What comes with this online course?

  • This course comes with a digital instant access that includes: course introduction with course expectations, course do’s and don’ts, four week's worth of course material that breaks down the power of scent and how to find the right scent for you. It comes with course exercises and multiple digital PDFs.

Is this different than the Perfume 101 for Beginners?

  • This course is a more in-depth version of Perfume 101 for Beginners. This course includes our original masterclasses, How to Smell Irresistible and How to Choose the Right Scent for You, with two additional masterclasses, The Art of Fragrance Etiquette and The Art of Perfumery, that discuss fragrance etiquette and perfumery. It's perfect for those who want to learn more about the fragrance business. It is all bundled together for a complete beginner-friendly experience. If you are looking for a smaller experience, please check out our 2-week course,  Perfume 101 for Beginners.

Is this course refundable?

  • This course is non-refundable due to the digital and instant access nature of the course.

What if I cannot get to this course immediately after I buy it?

  • You will have access to the course with lifetime access. We encourage you to embrace your beauty and make time for your commitment when able.

Is there a way that I can ask the expert, Sterling Jones, questions about the course?

  • Yes, you can. Please email and we will direct you to our expert. She will do her best to answer your questions on the course. If you are seeking more specific questions on finding your fragrance type and need help building your ritual from an expert, we direct you to book a personalized consultation.

We encourage all students including you to embrace your beauty and invest in yourself. If this course feels aligned with your goals, your being, and yourself, we encourage you to join us – intentionally in love and in beauty.

Course Overview

    • Fragrance 101 Live Class
    • Learning Exercise: 5 Ways to Make Your Signature Scent Last
    • Fragrance 102 Live Masterclass
    • Module 2 Course Exercise
    • The Beauté Muse Strategy: Learn How The Best Way to Shop for Fragrances
    • Fragrance 103 Live Class
    • Module 3 Course Exercise
    • Fragrance 104 Live Class
    • Module 4 Course Exercise
    • Learning Exercise: Create Your Fragrance World
    • Fragrance Business Starter Guide
    • Thank you!
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How to Build Your Fragrance World - 4 Week Beginner Friendly Course on Perfumes


$77/month x 2

or $154 once