Self-Confidence / Self-Esteem
The level of confidence we have about ourselves will always define the level of self-worth. We might have been growing up, looking for validation or reassurance from family and friends. And at a certain extend, that approach offered us the confirmation that we are capable, worthy or ready to succeed in life.
Sometimes, the external reassurance served us well, and other times. the lack of it, has created doubts, insecurities and self-sabotage thinking patterns. And we don't need to blame ourselves for being weak or vulnerable, as the idea of self-approval and self-reassurance hasn't always been present.
Instead, we believed that the external approval is the only metric we need, when actually, the only one we needed was our own.
Our inner strength has been and always will be the strongest suit we can ever wear.
Let me help you acknowledge yours and allow yourself to embody it.