Fears and Phobias

Have you ever wondered what fear is?

Why are we afraid of certain things or situations when we are open and comfortable with others?

When we experience fear, our bodies seem to get into a fight-flight or freeze response. But we have the same psychological reaction when we experience excitement. So what makes the difference between fear and excitement?

And the answer lies within our thoughts. The internal representation we create for a particular object, situation or experience generates a specific emotion which is further recorded in our subconscious minds and replays itself every time when we are reliving that particular situation.

By changing the internal representation of an object, situation or experience, we shift our perspective. Therefore, we are able to deal with any previous fear from a neutral position.

If you would like to overcome your fears and phobias, please kindly get in touch.

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Fears and Phobias

1:1 Session — 15 minutes