1:1 Digital Human Design Business Reading

A 90 minute guided Human Design reading designed for entrepreneurs who are seeking guidance and clarity.

We discuss your chart in detail so that you can unlock your potential and use your unique gifts to attract more abundance and flow into your life.

Discover your soul purpose, your brand message and how to market yourself in order to become MAGNETIC to your ideal customers.

Inclusive of your personalised Human Design Guidebook AND a lifetime recording of the session for you to keep and refer back to whenever you need.

Are you ready to unlock your MAGIC with Human Design?

What Is Human Design?

Human design is a unique system of personality analysis and self-discovery that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics  in order to provide a framework for understanding human personality and behaviour.

How can Human Design Help you?

You can use Human Design to gain an insight into your energetic imprint to assess your strengths, weaknesses, decision-making strategies, and overall life direction.

Human design offers a spiritual framework for self-discovery, personal growth, and helps with making choices aligned with one's authentic nature.

People often turn to Human Design to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships, and their life's direction. By aligning your decisions and actions with your unique energetic design, you can experience greater clarity, authenticity, and fulfilment.

In order to proceed with a Human Design Reading you will need your birth date, birth time, and location of birth.

Please make sure you have this before proceeding with your booking.

You will receive a 1:1 digital reading along with a personalised guidebook that you can refer back to whenever needed.

I'm so excited to unlock your potential...



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1:1 Digital Human Design Business Reading (with personalised guidebook!)

1:1 Session — 1 hour, 30 minutes
