UGC Pricing Guide

Starting out your UGC journey and you're just not sure of what you're suppose to charge your clients? Or maybe you are a seasoned UGC creator and looking to get insight on why charging the "$150 golden standard" is just isn't right. This guide has all of the answers.

The 23 page guide is instantly downloadable and explains exactly how to figure out your:
- Your UGC hourly rate
- Weekly work hours
- Monthly work hours
- Your monthly income goal
- What should be your GOAL per project based on your personal expenses and costs of running YOUR UGC business.

Take the guesswork out of trying to figure out pricing.
Find out WHY $150 per video IS NOT the way to price your UGC work.
Understand your hourly rate and apply that knowledge towards having a CLEAR path to making livable income while creating content that you love.

The guide dives in and discusses why should should NOT underprice your work. How to respond to brands who want a discount. How to charge for extra services and a comprehensive action list of items which must be addressed once you figure out your hourly rate.

I take my education in business management, my experience in running an e-commerce shop, my 10 year background in teaching AND my UGC expertise since 2021 and combine all of this knowledge in no-nonsense, comprehensive guide you can use to price out your UGC business today.

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UGC Pricing Guide

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