Conquer Stress with Laughter Yoga Part 1 and 2

Welcome to the Stress Management Programme with Laughter Yoga Part 1 and 2!

This programme has the potential to change your perspective on the stress that may seem to run your life at times.

Stress not only relates to work, it can connects every part of our lives in a vicious cycle of worry and anxiety.

The programme consists of 10 lessons with a wealth of information, knowledge, wisdom and tips for how you can change your stress with simple, daily steps.

  1. Introduction session, standard intro with background, why it is a good idea to practice and brief on benefits, and laughter exercises

  2. The autonomic nervous system, neurobiology of stress and Laughter Yoga for stress reduction

  3. Activating the parasympathetic nervous system with laughter

  4. The Laughter Yoga philosophy of motion creates emotion

  5. Laughing when you are not in the mood, trigger the joy cocktail

  6. Depression: Causes, Symptoms, Neurobiology

  7. Anxiety and Laughter

  8. Cancer and Laughter

  9. Detoxing with Laughter Yoga

  10. Laughter and Neurological Disorders

Course Overview

    • Having a Daily Practice with Laughter Yoga for Managing Stress
    • Having a Daily Practice with Laughter Yoga for Managing Stress
    • Supporting Research - Laughter, is it healthy?
    • Neurology of Stress
    • Neurology of Stress
    • Supporting Research - Emotion and the Immune System
    • Neurology of Laughter
    • Neurology of Laughter
    • Supporting Research - Laughter and Psychology
    • Motion Creates Emotion Philosophy and Practice
    • Motion Creates Emotion Philosophy and Practice
    • Supporting Research - Demanding Exercise for Trunk Muscles
    • Not In The Mood
    • Not In The Mood
    • Supporting Research - Laughter Yoga and Subjective Wellbeing
    • Depression and Serotonin
    • Depression and Serotonin
    • Supporting Research - Laughter Yoga for Psychiatric Disorders
    • Anxiety and Laughter
    • Anxiety and Laughter
    • Supporting Research - Laughter and MIRTH
    • Laughter and Cancer
    • Laughter and Cancer
    • Supporting Research - Humour in Palliative Care
    • Supporting Research - Laughter Yoga and Cancer Patients
    • Detoxing Life
    • Detoxing Life
    • Supporting Research - Cardiovascular Effect
    • Neurological Disorders and Laughter Yoga
    • Neurological Disorders and Laughter Yoga
    • Supporting Research - Regarding Dementia
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Conquer Stress with Laughter Yoga Part 1 and 2

