30 powerful questions to help you close more deals: Build stronger connections after every pitch

Ready to Close More Deals with Confidence?

In sales, the right questions can be the difference between a “maybe” and a “yes.” That’s why we’ve crafted 30 powerful closing questions inspired by two of the greatest minds in sales and personal development: Robert Cialdini and Jim Rohn.

Cialdini’s groundbreaking principles of influence—like trust, reciprocity, and commitment—help you guide your prospects toward confident decisions. Meanwhile, Rohn’s timeless wisdom in personal development and business philosophy teaches you how to uncover deeper needs and drive value-based conversations.

These questions don’t just help you close deals—they help you build real connections, influence decisions, and add long-term value for your clients. Get ready to elte your sales conversations and move toward more wins!

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30 closing questions every salesperson should ask after their presentation

Sales guide