Custom Subliminal

Haven't found a subliminal that hits all your needs? I can create a custom subliminal for you!

Every subliminal includes at least 150+ personalized affirmations in up to 3 topics (love, money, self confidence, career, dream life, weight loss, healing childhood trauma, etc. etc.), that will be repeated and layered underneath the song or ambient sound of your choice (rain, beach etc.) as well as a booster and safety affirmations. I am now adding binaural beats to all my sleep subliminals as well, for a more deeply relaxed sleep.

After you place your order we'll confirm the details of your desired outcome, and any major blockages you feel might be holding you back. We'll also discuss your intended use (awake or sleep) to determine the best number of layers, and sound choice.

Since I need to write out all the custom affirmations, record them and create the audio, please note that due to a high volume of inquires, and the custom nature of this, orders take about 7-10 business days! Thank you <3

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Custom Subliminal

Subliminal Audio
