Welcome to Free to Thrive! I'm glad you decided to look into life coaching. Just wanted to tell you a little more about myself so you feel more connected before you dive in. I have been a single mom of three for 15 years, and my children are now 18, 20, and 22. I have coached a variety of sports including soccer, swimming, and CrossFit. For the last 8 years as a Middle School and High School teacher, I often found myself counseling my students, colleagues, and friends, and I felt a strong call to leave teaching and pour all of my time and energy into helping others heal full time. So I took the leap! I received my life coach training through Alive and Free Consulting LLC.
My own healing journey over the last 20+ years includes having a one-night-stand baby after trying to mask my pain by sleeping around after my first divorce at age 24, leaving an abusive marriage (marriage #2) when my children were 3,5, &7, and embracing the power of claiming God’s blessings in spite of my flawed nature (GRACE). I found strength and freedom as I experienced provision, faithfulness and unconditional love through my relationship with God, discovered the root of my pain through re-parenting and Holy Spirit encounters, and learned to receive God’s grace in all its fullness so that I could extend the same grace to others.
Sometimes we get stuck in pain cycles because we don’t even realize what the root of our pain is. My role is to help you get to the root of your pain and guide you to experience deeper healing from the love and compassion of God. Additionally, I help you gain powerful tools in order to self-regulate because my goal is to get you to a place where you no longer need me and can get that healing on your own with the Holy Spirit.
Maybe you can relate to this...you have overcome challenges but have not taken time to truly heal from the pain. You are surviving and doing the best you can, but you still hold onto the belief that you need to “do and be good” for others in order to be loved. You long to show up as a loving adult in your parenting and other relationships, but you keep showing up as a triggered child instead. You have gone through a breakup or divorce and feel that others don’t stick around because something is wrong with you. And you deeply long to live an empowered life and press into all that God has for you, but you struggle because you don't know how to break free from that which binds you.
The best thing I can say to you right now is that there is hope, you WILL heal, and you are not alone! I would be honored to help you along your healing journey. I start with a one hour complimentary consultation so we can see if it's a good fit for both of us. You won't know until you try! Feel free to set up a session directly here on Pensight, or send me an email at tate.a.fisher@gmail.com. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Teen Parenting Strategy (3-part Course)
Teen Parenting Strategy (3-part Course)
Complimentary Consultation
1:1 Session — 1 hour
Complimentary Consultation
1:1 Session — 1 hour
The Seed
1:1 Session — 1 hour
The Seed
1:1 Session — 1 hour
The Bloom Package
3 Sessions x 1 hour
The Bloom Package
3 Sessions x 1 hour
The Thrive Package
5 Sessions x 1 hour
The Thrive Package
5 Sessions x 1 hour
Beyond Thriving Package
8 Sessions x 1 hour
Beyond Thriving Package
8 Sessions x 1 hour
Parenting Support
1:1 Session — 1 hour
Parenting Support
1:1 Session — 1 hour
Parenting Support 5-pack
5 Sessions x 1 hour
Parenting Support 5-pack
5 Sessions x 1 hour
Client Feedback (Due to the sensitive nature of our sessions, I have chosen to leave these anonymous).
I felt very validated through my experience as we talked about childhood trauma.
Tate gently and calmly reminds me of truth throughout the session. She always empowers me with the words of Jesus.
My pastor says you can’t be fully loved if you’re not fully known. I feel fully seen, heard, known and loved in our sessions.
I felt safe and comfortable to talk about very uncomfortable memories.
Sometimes you need someone else’s perspective just to make it okay to feel our emotions.
She has all the authority through Christ.
Freedom is the first thing that comes to mind. In addition to something so priceless, being able to go back in time to a place of hurt and give it language and bring Jesus into that space. That’s an amazing encounter. Something so important to our healing.
Working with Tate has been life changing for me.