Pet Energy Healing & Readings


  • Have you ever wanted to know what your pet is supposed to help you with in this life time?

  • Does your pet have an aliment, behavior or other imbalance you would like to know more about and maybe even clear?

  • Would you like to know more about your pet and healing work you are supposed to do together?

In my Energy Healing sessions with your pet we will discover their purpose, how they are supposed to work with you and clear any blocks, beliefs or behaviors that are holding them back!

I have helped horses enjoying riding, cats heal their fear and helped a dog tell his owner he was her angelic guide. These are just a few things I have done working with our beloved animal companions.

Hi I am Regina a Multidimensional Healer, Spiritual Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist and Animal Energy Healer. I have been doing Energy Healing work for over 17 years and I am an intuitive.

How does it work?

Energy can travel vast distance and is timeless. This allows us to do healing work with individuals on the other side of the world.

Pets are especially tuned into energy and higher vibrations because of this energy work done on them is more profound. The results with animals are by far faster to that of humans this is because they do not have beliefs that may cause them to slow down or reject some of the healing work.

I will work with your animal, their Higher Self, Angels and Spirit Guides to understand more about them, what they want to heal, clear and what they want you to know.

I will communicate with your animal and their Spirit team. We all work together to do the healing work and balance energy out in your pet.

What to expect

This is done virtually where I meet with you the owner through video on this website. The pet does not need to be present and can go about there normal routine while we do this work.

I will do any healing work and focus on the elements you type up in your form following this. Such as questions you have, behavior your pet has, their health and anything else that is important to you. The time you schedule will be for us to meet and talk about the session I did and all the information I received.

When we meet our time together will be about 45 min.

Our 45 minute session will be recorded and will be available after the session is over in your portal.

  • Results may vary for each pet and I can't not guarantee your pet will stop a behavior or instantly heal.

  • Some pets just like people may need more than 1 session to work on their behavior, health, energy or issue.

  • This is to be done in cooperation with any medical council and animal trainer you may have.

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Pet Energy Healing & Readings

1:1 Session — 45 minutes
