Are you tired of living with pain or your physical illness?
Feel restricted by how you can live your life?
Have you given up or feel hopeless to the fact you will be this way forever.
Maybe you can resonate with some of the following:
You have worked on this with western medicine and over the counter fixes but it keeps happening.
You feel there might be something deeper to the root cause of the matter.
You feel a little bit deep down like you are being punished or meant to suffer.
When you find out the reason behind the pain you can clear it.
Imagine being able to…
Release the pain and discomfort you feel on the daily. What if your life could look different without health limitations.
Get your subconscious mind, energy and spirit to come together to give you a new chance at health.
Be able to heal yourself for years to come.
I’m Regina, A Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist, Energy Healer of 17 years, Intuitive and Spiritual Life Coach. I am also the founder of Harmonious Embrace.
I have recently gone through some health problems and I used the Body Harmony Method to get healthier faster. It made me realize how I would like to help others like you find the root cause of your frustrating health issue (you know that uninvited guest who won't leave) and have it get better. Being sick or not living to your fullest is full of all kinds of not so pleasant emotions such as guilt, frustration, hopelessness, helplessness and feeling defeated.
I felt very hopeless as I was sick for longer than I have ever been. It’s hard to take a back seat to life when we all have responsibilities like our families, work and life. For me it was hard because I stay home with my 10 yr and 7 yr old son. As a mom you know it is hard to have a sick day plus mom guilt sets in.
For me health is multidimensional, meaning we need to look at your mind, body, energy and soul to see what and why things are happening. So making this program I did just that.
Through my 17 year healing journey I’ve spent thousands of dollars on healing courses, and Hypnotherapy to bring you the most powerful practices for way less!
What I’ve realized is we are not addressing physical pain and problems on the 3 core levels
Energetic body
Soul level
Most of the time you are only addressing your health on the fourth level physical. This level includes seeing doctors, physical therapy and medication.
Shift to Soothe is a 4 week program that will help you turn your pesky health issue into relief.
For 4 weeks, I will guide you to discover the root cause of your health issue using your subconscious, your energy body (such as Chakras, contracts, Shadow records, beliefs, Higher Self codes & past lives), and your soul.
This program is structured to be the best way for you to finally stop your frustration with health issues for good. Are you ready to learn how to heal?
Let’s take a look at what’s included at each step of the process:
Live 1hr Session with me
Personalized Audios for healing
Your recorded session
Mon-Fri instant messaging hours 9am-5pm pst
Plus these 2 bonuses
This is an ancient Huna healing technique used to help you get over your issues. It helps to re-wire your neurology and release unhelpful patterns.
I will show you how to use Dr. Bradley Nelson's technique to clear emotions from your body. These emotions can also be inherited from your family generations back!
This is a beta program with a low price! So get in Now!
This is a one of a kind program that I have included processes that have worked for my clients, and myself. I have taken thousand dollar trainings over the years. I have taken the best parts that get results and brought them to you! This is the only program that is going to work directly with your subconscious, your personal energy body and soul. I use my intuitive skills to talk directly to your soul, your guides and angels to get the personalized healing you need. That means this is made for you and only you.
You are using your subconscious mind to heal yourself.
You are using simple energy techniques to heal yourself.
You will step away knowing how to find the root cause of your health problem and heal it after leaving this program for future obstacles you may encounter.
Our 1 hr sessions will be done through video calling online.
Sessions will be recorded so you can have them to watch again.
Most of the work I will be guiding you through healing exercises. I will also be performing energy healing on you, communicating with your guides and angles to get the full personalized healing you need.
You will be given an audio to listen to daily for reprogramming your subconscious to direct its energy to healing you this needs to be done for 30 days. I will also give you another audio to use so you can work with your own energy such as Chakras to support your energy, the healing and feeling good each day.
Can I really heal completely?
I am showing you the ways in which you can heal. It is up to you to do the work. Also our health can be tied to something you agreed to experience as a human. That being said we will address that and see if we can heal it completely or shift it. This program works with your subconscious which you will be programming to heal. You will be working with your energy body that also heals and energizes you. The last aspect is working with your soul to clear up any wounds from the past that are showing up as your health issues now.
How much will I have to do on my own?
You will only need to spend 10-20 min a day while listening to audios for healing. Most of this can be done while you are sleeping.
Can you tell me more about each level of healing and how that works in the program?
Besides the physical level there is the Subconscious level which we will work with in the program with techniques from Hypnotherapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy. Its about letting your Subconscious bring us to the root cause of the issue and then we rewrite it in the same session. Next is Energetic level we will be doing lots in this level. We will go back through your lifetime and past lives with Time Line Therapy technique. We will also go to the Akashic Records to the shadow records. These are records of regret and resentment. There are from events or actions you didn't take but wish you or someone else could of on your behalf. We will also work on energy cleaning and boundary work. This keeps your energy to you and not loosing energy to others. We will also be working with 9th Chakra which holds all your divine codes. Which means the perfect energy for you that helps all levels of your being. It can help rewrite parts of you that are not functioning well. We will look at contracts you have signed to have the illness you have and if we can change them. We will also be working with the Soul. When you were just incarnating in a physical body and feeling separate from source you form beliefs about life that are very deep. These are known as a soul wound. This can also affect your health in this life time.
What kind of sickness have you worked with?
Personally I have a curvature of the spine. I have not been able to straighten my back but I have been able to heal myself so I am living without back pain. I know my soul had an agreement to experience a curved spine but I was able to let go of the pain it caused me. We are going to do the same thing in the sessions. To see if we can heal it completely or make a big change for the better. I have helped women heal hip pain, digestion issues, and food allergies just to name a few.
Could I use the process I will learn just on health issues or can I use it on other things like beliefs, anxiety ect?
Yes you can use these processes on other issues you are having. It works because you can find out the why and start to clear it.
What is the benefit of working with my soul?
Your soul holds a lot of information from past lives and stuck energy. Exploring what your soul has to say about your illness can help you greatly to heal it. Your soul may have a wound, a belief, a contract with creator that needs to be changed. We will be able to do that in our session. I will be guiding you through that process so you can figure it out yourself. I also work with your Higher self and guides in energy sessions to hear about more specifics about your situation.
What if I can not pay in full?
I offer a payment plan so you can make this work. If you need more help talk to me and we can arrange something.
How long will I have access to my sessions recordings?
You will have lifetime access to your sessions recordings
What ways can I get in contact with you if I need to?
Through the site that hosts your sessions Pensight you have a chat feature to send me messages. You can also email me or message me through the Telegram app. I respond Monday -Friday 9am-5pm pst.