Beyond Busy Mentor - 1:1 Mentoring

Introducing: "Beyond Busy Mentor: The Mentor You Weren't Handed, but Definitely Need"

Ever Felt Like You're Running in Circles? Break the Cycle in 45 Minutes!

Let's face it, quality mentorship in the workplace is as rare as a unicorn. That's why we created the "Beyond Busy Mentor" session. This 45-minute one-on-one consultation is your chance to get the mentorship you've been missing. Say goodbye to being busy without impact and hello to a more balanced, effective leadership style.

What You Get in Your Beyond Busy Mentor Session

🚀 Quick & Focused

In just 45 minutes, we'll zero in on your most pressing challenges, from time management to team productivity.

🎯 Tailored Advice

Receive personalised guidance that addresses your unique struggles. We're here to be the mentor you never had but always needed.

📝 Actionable Takeaways

Leave the session with clear, actionable steps to improve your leadership and life.

Who Is This For?

  • Team Leaders who've never had the luxury of mentorship

  • Business Owners struggling with team output & performance

  • Anyone overwhelmed by the lack of work-life balance

How It Works

  1. Book Your Slot: Pick a time that fits into your schedule.

  2. Pre-Session Brief: A quick form helps us tailor the session to your specific needs.

  3. The Session: A 45-minute deep dive into your challenges and potential solutions.

  4. Post-Session Summary: Receive a brief recap with key takeaways and action steps.

💰 Investment: Just $199!

For less than two hundred bucks, you get 45 minutes of targeted mentorship aimed at breaking the cycle of being busy without making an impact.

🌟 Why Choose Beyond Busy Mentor?

At Pathrive, we know the value of a good mentor because we've been there. We're committed to being the mentor you weren't handed but definitely need, helping you focus on what truly matters in your leadership journey.

🚀 Ready to Get the Mentorship You Deserve?

  1. Click the 'Book Now' Button: Secure your spot for this transformative session.

  2. Fill Out the Pre-Session Brief: The more we know, the more we can help.

  3. Join the Session: Prepare to shift your approach to leadership, time management, and life.

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Beyond Busy Mentor - 1:1 Mentoring

1:1 Session — 45 minutes
