3 Communication Guidance Sessions for the price of 2

If you've been working on expressing a message that is longer and / or more complex, you may feel the frustration of not being able to say what you want to say to get what you want to get. In other words, it makes perfect sense to you, but not to others. Especially for those ideas which are vital to you and/or your professional life, working through this is not a quick fix project. You want to have the time to look at all the aspects and have the space to think through everything associated with your communication. If this describes your current situation, then this is the session for you. My job will be to listen, provide new input, and guide you through co-creation to the result that will help you make progress and achieve your goals. Join me for the time to work things out and find the satisfaction of great communication. In this package, book three communication guidance sessions but only pay for two.

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3 Communication Guidance Sessions for the price of 2

3 Sessions x 2 hours
