Profile picture

Rhonda L. Bowen

Your global strategic communication guide

  • Determination Session

    1:1 Session — 30 minutes


  • Wispiration Session

    1:1 Session — 1 hour


  • Communication Guidance

    1:1 Session — 2 hours


  • Explore Your Idea

    Q&A — Video Answer


  • Explore Your Idea + 2 Wispiration Sessions

    2 Sessions x 1 hour


  • 3 Wispiration Sessions for the price of 2

    3 Sessions x 1 hour


  • 3 Communication Guidance Sessions for the price of 2

    3 Sessions x 2 hours


  • About me

    What is the most important thing you need to know about me? It is, first and foremost, that this page is about you and me. I'm a global strategic communication guide. I've lived in Germany since 1983, although I was born on a dairy farm in Pennsylvania in the US. Since 1988 I've led my own business and have had the privilege of working with people from more than 70 countries.

    But what is even more fascinating is when you and I work together. I'm a sense whisperer. You may know about people who work with the owners of dogs and horses to help them understand their animals better. I do that with people. I help them make sense of what they'd like to express to others or understand what others are trying to communicate to them. So you see, it's not about me, it is about us and what we can co-create together to improve your communication.

  • How I can help

    Maybe you’ve got a great idea, but when you express it to others, they just don’t get it. As I said in the video on this page, if you are inside the bottle, you can’t read the label. I’m on the outside of your bottle. I help you find the best way to communicate with others.

    I love listening to what it is you’re trying to say. Based on my experience, which may be very different from yours, I hear your words and then ask those questions that nobody else would probably ask. I help you look at your input and then turn it into output that makes sense to others. You bring your great thoughts; I bring new perspectives and a good portion of creativity to discover with you how your message can be both effective and efficient.

    I can help you put yourself into the other person’s shoes to explore the issue from their perspective. If your ideas are too complex, together we can co-create a simpler version that’s easier to understand. If there are aspects you haven’t thought of yet, together we can expand your ideas and give them a structure that easy for others to follow. I look forward to being more than just a sounding board, but rather the guide on your journey to better communication.

  • Testimonials
