Ultimate Healing & Manifestation Series/Bundle

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and abundance with our "Ultimate Healing and Manifestation Bundle."

This comprehensive collection combines six transformative experiences designed to elevate your consciousness, clear energetic blockages, and manifest your deepest desires:

1. Body Appreciation Meditation: Cultivate a loving relationship with your body and foster self-acceptance through this calming meditation that encourages gratitude and positive self-image.

2. Heart of Your Prosperity Meditation: Open your heart to the flow of abundance and prosperity, inviting positive energy and wealth into your life with this empowering meditation.

3. Frequency Reset Meditation: Realign your inner vibrations to release negativity and attract positivity, helping you achieve a harmonious state of being through this rejuvenating meditation.

4. Manifesting Matrix: An Akashic Journey Session Video: Dive into the Akashic Records to uncover the secrets of manifestation, connecting with your higher self and accessing infinite possibilities.

5. Akashic Records Co-Creation Activation: An Audio Akashic Journey: Activate your co-creative powers within the Akashic Records, learning to collaborate with the universe to bring your intentions to life.

6. Clearing Deep-Rooted Money Wounds: An Audio Recording of a Group Energy Healing Session: Release limiting beliefs and heal financial blockages through this powerful group energy healing session, transforming your relationship with abundance. This ultimate bundle is designed to empower you on your path to healing and manifestation, helping you align your energy and step into your true potential. Embrace this opportunity for transformation and create the life you desire today!

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Ultimate Healing & Manifestation Series Bundle

Video and Audios


