TTFMOVEMENT Membership plan

  • Unlimited Access to Workout Videos: Enjoy a variety of at-home workouts, including cardio, with or without equipment.

  • 15-Minute Client Consultation: Benefit from a one-on-one consultation to discuss your fitness goals and plan.

  • Monthly Free Live Class: Join a live class every month, free of charge, to keep your routine fresh and engaging.

  • 15% Off Supplements: Get a 15% discount on any supplements purchased from our store to support your fitness journey.

  • 5% Off Training: Enjoy a 5% discount on any personal or private group training sessions for more personalized guidance.

A few rules before we hop won the phone:

- Please show up at the appropriate time and answer when I call you. If you don't plan on showing up, please do not schedule this call!

- Be in a quiet place where you are able to focus without any distractions. Do not schedule a time when you will be in your car.

- IF I feel that we are a good fit, I will give you the opportunity to choose whether you want to jump in with coaching or not. *****Have anyone you need for making financial decisions with you on the phone (ex: husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.) *****

As for coaching-- We give you the highest quality program and the best results. This is first class support, and because of this, II must be very selective of who I work with.

Don't apply if you're not committed to financially investing in yourself to get the results you want.

This is NOT for you if:

- You're expecting to hit your goal in 2 weeks

- You're unwilling to make small, gradual changes to your lifestyle

- You can't be honest with me

- You are unwilling to take responsibility for your own health and fitness journey forward

- You are looking for a crash / fad diet or workout routine that requires excessive gym time

This IS for you if

- You want to see serious, noticeable, changes in a few short months (you will see changes within the first 2 weeks!)

- You want to learn the "why" and not just the "what" (I'll be turning you into the fitness expert as I explain why you're doing what you're doing every step of the way)

- You want a PERMANENT dieting solution that allows you to eat your favorite foods AND get in the best shape of your life

- You need effective workouts that let you minimize your time spent in the gym, but maximize your physical results

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15 minute Ab Blast Workout

1 year ago



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at imperdiet enim. Nam venenatis, sem ut ultrices aliquam, leo tellus dapibus leo, sit amet sagittis lorem metus ut nulla. Suspendisse nec erat egestas, eleifend urna sed, viverra dolor.

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1 year ago



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at imperdiet enim. Nam venenatis, sem ut ultrices aliquam, leo tellus dapibus leo, sit amet sagittis lorem metus ut nulla. Suspendisse nec erat egestas, eleifend urna sed, viverra dolor.

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TTFMOVEMENT Membership plan

