TTFMOVEMENT Membership plan
Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, Tony Stubbs is a Certified Personal Trainer, Weight Loss Specialist, and Licensed Fitness instructor. He specializes in group fitness instruction for classes such as Body Combat, and Total Body Blast. Tony was a gifted Varsity Football and Track & Field student athlete at the University of Kansas (KU), where Stubbs obtained his bachelor's degree in Sports Management and Administration. Immediately following graduation, he continued his athletic career by playing professional football for the Florida Firecats (Arena II) in Fort Myers, Florida and Internationally in Belgrade. Fast-forwarding to present day, Tony Stubbs is here to change your life: Weight loss Nutrition education Exercise programing Personal training Lifestyle modification
Java Slim Fat Burning Coffee
Health and Wellness product
VitaliTea Instant(Whole Body Detox)
Health and Wellness product
Slimmer Healthy Weight Management(Superfood powder)
Health and Wellness product
Black Seed Extract
Health and Wellness product
Mind (Superfood powder)
Health and Wellness product
Body (Superfood powder)
Health and Wellness product
Soul(Superfood powder)
Health and Wellness product
Healing Trilogy Pack(Superfood Powder)
Health and Wellness product
Nourish (Superfood powder)
Health and Wellness product
Nova Smart Coffee
Health and Wellness product
VitaliTea Instant Sample(Whole Body Detox)
Health and Wellness product
Healing Trilogy (Sample Pack)
Health and Wellness product
Nova Smart Coffee (Sample)
Health and Wellness product
Pain Magnesium Lotin
Health and Wellness product
Online Group Workout(2 or more)
1:1 Session — 30 minutes
1 on 1 Online fitness workout( 12 sessions)
12 Sessions x 30 minutes
1 on 1 Online Fitness Workouts(8 sessions)
8 Sessions x 30 minutes
1 on 1 Online fitness workout( 1 session)
1:1 Session — 30 minutes
Ask Me Anything
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