Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund
🔮Spiritual Teacher ✨ Manifestation Expert 🧠 Mindset Life Coach ✍🏼 Writer
GUIDES: The Universal Laws & Manifestation
boglund.comGUIDES: The Universal Laws & Manifestation
boglund.comGUIDES: Self-Love, Mental Health & Well-Being
boglund.comGUIDES: Self-Love, Mental Health & Well-Being
boglund.comGUIDES: Toxic People, Narcissists & Energy Vamps
boglund.comGUIDES: Toxic People, Narcissists & Energy Vamps
boglund.comGUIDES: Stress, Anxiety, Burnout & Depression
boglund.comGUIDES: Stress, Anxiety, Burnout & Depression
boglund.comGUIDE: Quitting Social Media & Social Media Detox
boglund.comGUIDE: Quitting Social Media & Social Media Detox
🇬🇧 10% OFF on How To Break Free from a Narcissist - Toolkit for all subscribers on my email list
🇩🇰 10% RABAT på Sådan Bryder Du Fri fra en Narcissist - Toolkit for alle på min email liste.
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Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish Mindset Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Manifestation Expert and Writer, who Specialises in Helping Independent People to Break Free from the Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships so that They can Manifest Their Dream Life. With over 16 Certifications, over 1½ Decades of experience as a Professional Spiritual Teacher, author of 6 books, including "Manifestation 101" and "Åndelig Kommunikation", and Growing Up with an Abusive Narcissistic Mother with Psychopathic Traits, Sabrina Knows First-Hand the Power of Mindset and Manifestation.
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