Pricing, packaging, and positioning your high-ticket coaching offer

Written by
MiMi Dabo
January 1, 2023
This is the last article on our blog series on How to Create a High Ticket Offer. Before reading this make sure you read The First Four Steps on structuring a potent High-Ticket Coaching Offer here. Now let's continue with Step 5.

5. Pricing Your High-Ticket Coaching Offer without Explanation.

At this stage, the next step is pricing. Nothing impacts your business more than pricing, and it is the catalyst for your High-Ticket Coaching Client to own her own value. 

It is helpful to remember that your pricing is not a judgment about your value or worth. It is tied to the life-time value of your coaching offer.

You’re creating a life-altering, expansive transformational offer that is going to create exponential results in someone’s life, relationship, business, career, health, or finances.

Your aligned client is 200X willing to invest in themselves with this amazing High-Ticket Coaching Offer without giving a single thought to the dollar amount attached to it. It’s a NO Brainer investment for her.

Now that you’ve included the highest level and highest impact parts of your signature system into your offer, it’s obvious that your $50K or $100K or $250 High-Ticket Coaching Offer is a small drop in the bucket versus the investment. 

In fact, most times what you’re offering is WORTH up to 15 times more than the investment to work with you. So, how much is the investment to work with you? Now, that you’ve settled on the price, the next step is your long-term container.

6. Packaging Your High-Ticket Coaching Offer.

How long will you work with your client to create the outcome/results in your offer? Depending on the results or outcome, a longer-term container with deeper transformation is optimal. 

Identify any areas where you may be experiencing container trauma; a fear of or reluctance to work with clients for a period of 12 months or longer. 

7. Positioning Your High-Ticket Coaching Offers.

Each of the preceding six steps automatically positions your High-Ticket Coaching Offer as the obvious choice for your High-Ticket Coaching Clients.


Create aligned and dialed-in messaging that speaks directly to the High-Ticket Coaching Clients. Do not speak to clients you believe you’re qualified to serve. Speak to the Next Level Clients you desire to work with now.

Dial-in your messaging to where your potential clients want to be. Does your message create desirability among the clients who see themselves in the results or outcomes you co-create?

What one thing needs to come across for you to be fully expressed? And what one thing will ultimately break your heart if you don’t share now?


Marketing High-Ticket Coaching Offers is a powerful and impactful part of your business.

It means being authentically and unapologetically you, and most importantly, having Conviction. What you know and believe about your High-Ticket Coaching Offer is the bridge to creating aligned Clients that you enjoy working with.

High-Ticket Coaching Clients are not widgets on a conveyor belt. Unlike mass marketing to hundreds and thousands of potential coaching clients, you only need to work with 5, 10 or at most, 20 High-Ticket Coaching Clients each year, so focus on creating relationships.

Veer off the mainstream course and implement aligned strategies and systems that gently call in High-Ticket Coaching Clients who deeply resonate with your Offers.

There is more to marketing High-Ticket Coaching Offers than another strategy, tool, or tactic. What matters most is a relationship that is aligned, engaged and enjoyable for you.

Identify the best way to connect with those who want to work with you. What makes you different from the marketplace? And what makes your High-Ticket Coaching offer different from everything else that hasn’t worked for your potential clients?

Be YOU. Put more of you in your business so that you stand out enough for those who are aligned to work with you, see you, know you, like you and trust you.

While you go deeper with a smaller number of clients in a High-Ticket Coaching Business, your marketing can impact millions, so always be the fullest expression of you.


Create and implement an aligned High-Ticket Sales Strategy and System that delivers value so that your potential High-Ticket Coaching Clients walk away with massive transformation even if they don’t invest in your High-Ticket Coaching Offer.

Be willing to tell Rejection where to go.

When it comes to investing in High-Ticket Coaching Offers, clients are not interested in Instagram Guru 2.0 of your Instagram guru coach, or blueprint 2.5 of the latest 8-figure blueprint.

Your High-Ticket Coaching Offer is NOT a commodity. They want YOU.

The key to successful branding for your coaching offers lies in knowing this ONE thing: How your High-Ticket Coaching Clients feel about themselves when they invest in your High-Ticket Coaching Offer.

Learn the 7 Key steps to structuring a potent High-Ticket Coaching Offer here.

Voila! Now that you’ve structured your High-Ticket Coaching Offer, it’s time to share it with the world and make the impact you choose to make in the world. 🙌

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast so you can be the first to access incredibly valuable conversations with industry experts that will help you scale your coaching business! 🚀

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