
Launch a paid community in minutes

  • Automated monthly subscription payments
  • Private posts just for members
  • Post categories for easy organizing
    Member posting and post comments
Get Started Today

Engage with your community

You and your community with nothing else in between
  • Member posts in the community feed
    Turn on member posting, if you like, and turn your feed into your direct community engagement tool.
  • Post comment and likes
    Talk to your community in the post comments and raise engagement with likes to drive retention.
  • Post categories for easy feed organising
    Feel relaxed about your meetings with reminders for you and your clients in addition to calendar invites.
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Manage subscriptions with ease

A really easy way to run a subscription based membership
  • Automated payments
    We'll take the payments automatically and follow up with anyone late. You can easily refund or cancel memberships.
  • Own your client contacts
    Export your client email list if you want to take it anywhere else. Connect it to any mailing provider via our Zapier integration.
Get Started

Combine Membership with other products

Want to give your members instant access to your other products for joining your subscription?

With automations, give clients access to your coaching groups, courses, digital products for seamless client experience across your product stack.
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Frequently asked questions

What can I use Pensight for?
How much does it cost?
How will I get paid?
Do I need to download anything?
Explore more FAQs

Monetize your knowledge today

Join over 30,000+ creators and educators who launched their business on Pensight
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