Email Campaigns - Launch Email Broadcast and Automation Campaigns Directly From Pensight

Written by
June 23, 2024


Creating and launching an email campaign with Pensight is a streamlined process - it's fully integrated with your Pensight store.

There are two types of email campaigns you can launch on Pensight:

  1. Automations - to send automated email sequences to clients.
  2. Broadcasts - to send emails to the whole list of participants at the same time.




With Automations you can set up and send automated email sequences to power your marketing and email campaigns.

  • Setting up an email funnel to market your paid course to clients who got your freebie? You can do it here
  • Sending a welcome email to clients who signed up to your mailing list? Use Automations.‍
  • Planning to drip feed your blog posts to clients who joined your membership? Automations are perfect for it ‍
  • Introducing a special offer to clients who got an intro session? Only a couple of minutes to set it up


How it works

Go to the Marketing page and click Create an Automation. There are three key elements to build an automation:

1. Start Trigger - what action should trigger the first email. It can be a product purchase (free or paid product)Β or a form being submitted.

2. Email Design - emails that should be sent and the time delays between them. You can add as many emails as you like and configure time delays between them.

3. Optional Stop Trigger - email sequence is stopped for a particular recipient if it's finished, the recipient unsubscribes, or when a particular Stop Trigger happens. Stop trigger could be a product purchase. For example you set up a an automation to market your paid course to everyone who got your free e-book. The start trigger would be the e-book purchase, and the stop trigger would be the purchase of the course.


You can also stack automations - a stop trigger for one automation could be the start trigger for another automation. For example, your Course marketing sequence stops, when the Course is purchased. But then another automation starts when the course is purchased to market your Membership.




There are so many things you can do with Email Broadcasts, for example:

  • Launch a paid newsletter to subscribers
  • Announce a new product launch
  • Send an update about your services

This guide will walk you through the steps, ensuring you make the most of it.

There are two key things you need to know:

  1. Creating a Segment
  2. Creating a Broadcast
Segment Your Contacts

Before you create your campaign, you need to set up a Segment (email list)Β to which you'll be sending emails. Segments are contact lists tailored for specific contact types, for example Newsletters. You can always send emails to "All contacts" list but segmenting them can help you to be more relevant to your audience and avoid complaints.

To create a Segment, go to the Marketing page, then click Segments at the top left. Then click "Create a new segment" at the top right.

You can populate Segments in two ways:

  • Uploading Contacts: Manually add contacts to a Segment.
  • Segment Automations: Set up automations to dynamically add contacts to Segments when clients buy a product from you or submit their email via the email form.


Uploading Contacts


Email marketing segment creation on Pensight
Populating a segment (Marketing --> Segments --> Create a new segment)



If you are importing contacts, you need to be sure that the contact you are uploading have given consent to be subscribed to your emails.

The imported file needs to be a CSV with 2 columns - name in the first column, and email address in the second column. It may or may not have header row.

If you are importing contacts from another mailing provider, it's really important to import any unsubscribe or suppression lists to make sure you are not sending emails to people who unsubscribed or whose email addresses don't work anymore - this is crucial for your sender reputation.

To import an unsubscribe list, upload a spreadsheet as normal and then toggle "Mark contacts as unsubscribed"Β under Advanced.


Importing email contacts on Pensight
Importing email contacts to Pensight


Segment Automations - populating segments from product sales and Email Forms

With automations you can add emails to your segment automatically:

1. When someone gets a product from you

2. When someone subscribes via the Email Form on your page


You can find the Marketing automations section at the bottom of product settings of each product and at the bottom of the Email Form widget on your page.


Email collection form with automations
Email collection form on your page



Launching an email Broadcast campaign


To create and send your first email, go to Marketing page, then click "Create a campaign" at the top right.


Step 1: Design Your Email

The first step in crafting your campaign is to design the email itself. Here's what to focus on:

  • Email Subject: Choose a compelling subject that captures readers' attention.
  • Preview Text: It's a line of text visible from the inbox, right after the email subject. You can tailor it to make people want to open your email.
  • From Field: This is pre-populated with your page's name, but it’s editable to fit your needs.
  • Reply Email Address: Your registered email address is already there but you can set it to something else.
  • Email Body: Use Pensight's tools to design your email, incorporating headlines, text, and images.
  • Address Compliance: Include your physical address to adhere to anti-spam laws.


Step 2: Campaign Details

After designing your email, you'll need to set up the campaign's specifics:

  • Campaign Name: Give your campaign a distinctive name for easy tracking.
  • Target Segment: Select which Segment will receive this email.
  • Unsubscribe Option: Choose or create a Segment for those who may unsubscribe. You can simply select All Contacts here.
  • Sending Time: Decide whether to send your email immediately or schedule it for later.

When you click Continue here you will have the opportunity to review everything in one place.


Step 3: Review and Launch

Before sending out your campaign, take a moment to review:

  • Check All Fields: Ensure all information is correct and complete.
  • Preview Your Email: Look at your email from a recipient’s perspective to catch any final edits.
  • Send or Draft: Once satisfied, either send your campaign immediately or save it as a draft for future use.



Users who send emails using Pensight are required to keep their bounce rate below 5% and complaint rate below 0.1% within a timeframe chosen by Pensight. Should these thresholds be exceeded, email sending capabilities may be suspended without the possibility of refunds. Pensight reserves the right to adjust these thresholds and customize bounce and complaint rate calculation methodologies for individual accounts, aiming to adapt to usage patterns and industry standards. We encourage users to actively monitor their performance, ensuring a positive and efficient email marketing environment for all.


By following these steps, you can effectively utilize Pensight to create engaging and targeted email campaigns that resonate with your audience

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