How to increase sales by getting focused

Written by
Hadi Haboobi
January 1, 2023

Do you feel like your sales numbers don’t show how much work you put in?

Feel like you need to do more but how can you when you’re already overwhelmed?

It’s not the amount of work you’re doing that’s the problem. You can give 20 people the same recipe and although everyone might put in the same effort and take the same steps, they’ll get a different result because of the different quality of inputs: attention, source ingredients, timing etc as well as the consistency of the process.

In a similar way, making sales isn’t just about following the recipe of speaking to the right audience about your services and communicating your offer in the right way. 

To be able to sell services for at least $2k, the right audience needs to have an emotional connection to you and feel that you understand them and their problems. The more connected, the more they are willing to reveal their true feelings, challenges, issues, fears, wants, needs and problems.  

That’s also where true transformation occurs. For example, we, as coaches, can realise that the small procrastination issue the prospect mentioned in passing is due to fear of rejection and is costing them thousands of dollars of lost sales per month. That’s where symptoms are opened to identify the root problems and where the audience feels that you understand them and their problems. That’s where the trust comes

At the core of the ability to make this emotional connection and be seen as an authority are 2 drivers:

  1. Providing powerful value consistently
  2. Deep listening to really understand the client and the problems behind the symptoms they provide. 

Both of those require empathy, cognitive focus, and effort to manage our self-centred disruptive emotions and thoughts. 

But when we’re tired, have an internal critic diverting our focus or have beliefs that drain our energy, our performance suffers.

The result? Weak listening, inability to focus on all the information being provided, and inability to create emotions that let prospects open up about their real challenges, because we are too busy dealing with our own negative emotions and thinking. Burnout. 

Enter the need of stepping into your peak performance states to generate more energy and focus and stay consistent with creating better connections with your audience and more sales.  

Peak Performance

The market noise of the latest strategy or course is enough to drain anyone’s focus. 

Most people focus on finding the right strategy to get to 6 figures or more. The part that is missed from the conversation is the quality, frequency and consistency of the actions taken, i.e. the execution of that strategy. 

But if we want to sell for high-ticket prices and make a difference, we need to be in our peak performance state as much as possible. To be able to be in peak performance more often we need to:

- Manage our energy: focus on what energises us

- Manage our emotions: let go of what drains us

- Manage our thoughts: focus on what supports us

Most people think they are working 40-60 hours but when I audit their time, we find they are doing sometimes half that time due to procrastination, distraction, or focusing on tasks that don’t achieve anything. So they feel exhausted, overwhelmed and without the results.

We need to eliminate decisions and activities that don’t generate results. One way to do this is with the Sunday power hour. 

Every Sunday, spend less than an hour: 

  1. Creating a checklist of all the tasks you will do for the week coming. 
  2. Identify the 3 most important tasks. 
  3. Estimate how long each task will take. 
  4. Schedule all tasks in your calendar (I use google calendar). 
  5. Schedule the important tasks during the time of day you feel most focused (deep work - usually the same 2-3 hour period every day where productivity is highest). 
  6. Once non-negotiables and important tasks done, schedule meetings, emails, and errands. 

Peak Performance Day Structure

Here are some basics for peak performance day structure to reduce anxiety, increase focus and generate more energy.

When looking at your calendar, you should know when you start work, what activities you will do at what time, and when you will end the work day. Brain loves clarity so you will experience less anxiety when you know what you are doing and when. 

Be ruthless at removing distractions, at least during the 2-3 hour deep work doing most important tasks i.e. phone not in room, emails off, no pings, set boundaries with people. 

Train yourself to carry out 60-90m deep sessions (if appropriate for activity) where there are no distractions and have strict deadlines on when to finish each block, as that will result in the right chemicals being released which will improve focus. 

After every 60-90m, take at least 20m break without scrolling news or social media but recharging – walk, meditate, rest, move, speak to someone. This is to clear out your mind so you could start over.

Create a checklist for each repetitive task so that you see all the steps required to complete the task, so you won't waste time thinking what you need to do every time you do the task. The less decision making the easier to execute. 


Our sales depend on our mental and emotional states, which affects the quality of our actions and how well we connect with our audience. By improving our energy and focus, and focusing on the high-value activities for our business, we can raise the quality of our decision making, execution and sales.If you want to know how to enter into your most focused mental state, operate with effortless motivation, discipline and energy, and increase your impact and sales, reach out here

👉 Up Next: How to increase sales by overcoming your fears and limiting beliefs

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